Resources & Information for Victims

Resources & Information for Victims

Please find information on services that may be useful to you:

Victim Services

The National Center for Victims of Crimes
New York City Criminal Justice Coordinator
New York State Office of Victim's Services
Safe Horizon
Safe Horizon Court Programs

Domestic and Dating Violence Services

National Domestic Violence Hotline
New York State Office for the Prevention of Domestic Violence
New York City Office to Combat Domestic Violence
U.S. Department of Justice Violence Against Women Office

Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Questioning (LGBTQ) Services

New York City Administration for Children's Services, Community Resources Guide for LGBTQ Youth

Other Resources

National Girls Institute
Learn about Resources and Opportunities for Youth

Other Information

Orders of Protection

School and Housing Transfers: The Law Department does not arrange for school or housing safety transfers. However, if a victim or victim's family is eligible for a transfer, the Law Department can make a referral to an agency that can assist with requesting a school and/or a housing safety transfer.

Release of Property Held as Evidence: Property held as evidence can be released 30 days following the conclusion of the case if the defense or respondent has not filed a notice of appeal.

Free interpreter services are available upon request.