

NYC Family Court Division is the second largest and only prosecutorial division at the Law Department. The Division plays a critical role in promoting the well-being of the City's children, families and communities and protecting the general public. The Division is responsible for members of our staff and work done in 30 locations across NYC. Our work is constant because it affects lives, and we work 365 days and nights a year handling all night, weekend and holiday intake at Criminal Court in Manhattan. Our Mission is two-fold: Juvenile Justice and Interstate/International Child Support.

Juvenile Justice

Juvenile delinquency matters involve youth ages 12 to 17 who have been arrested for conduct that would constitute a crime if they were adults, including those cases that have been removed from the Youth Part to the Family Court. Division staff investigate juvenile delinquency matters that are referred to the office by the Department of Probation. After an investigation, a decision is made as to whether a case must be declined and sealed due to a lack of admissible evidence; whether a case is appropriate for diversion services; or whether the case is appropriate for filing in Court. To file a case in Family Court, the law requires a verified petition based on non-hearsay allegations.

In prosecuting juvenile delinquency, the Family Court seeks to ensure that those youth who commit delinquent acts are held accountable for their misconduct and receive appropriate services. The Family Court system is focused on rehabilitation. The Law Department seeks to balance the need for protection of the community with the needs and the best interests of the youth. The Division's work also includes providing information to victims of youth crime on available community-based services, including counseling, crisis intervention, and safety planning. Learn more about our work.

Interstate/International Child Support

Attorneys appear on behalf of out-of-state as well as international custodial parent petitioners who are seeking to establish paternity and obtain child support from New York City residents. These cases are referred to our office by the NYS Child Support Processing Center Interstate Central Support Registry; and then to our office by the county Family Courts.

Attorneys in the Family Court Division's Interstate/International Child Support Unit primarily handle child support petitions filed under the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act (UIFSA) by out-of-state jurisdictions or custodial parents residing in other states, U.S. Commonwealths, and many foreign countries. Staff also assist many New York City residents in obtaining paternity and child support orders.

Our Division also assists NYC residents, and a custodial parent who lives in New York City may seek the Unit's assistance in filing for child support from parents who live outside the state and the country. Learn more about this service.