DCAS holds public real estate auctions to sell, lease, or license surplus City-owned real estate.
Public Sales Auction Information: There is no public sales auction scheduled at this time for the purchase of City-owned surplus properties. Please check back periodically for updates.
Public Lease Auction Information: There is an online public lease auction scheduled for Tuesday March 4, 2025 at 9:00 AM until Monday March 10, 2025 at 9:00 PM. Each parcel description will contain relevant information with respect to minimum monthly bid rent, zoning, borough-block-and-lot number (“BBL”), street address, and approximate square footage. For parcel descriptions and instructions on how to bid, please see “To Bid - Instructions”, below. The apparent highest bidders will be identified on Tuesday March 11, 2025 and such bids will be subject to a due diligence process. Auction results will also be posted below. The City intends to award bids to the highest eligible bidders.
To view offerings or bid, click the below link:
Prior to the auction, carefully read and be certain that you understand the Terms and Conditions and any Special Terms and Conditions that apply to certain parcels. NOTE: to bid at the auction, a refundable bid deposit of $2,500 will be required via wire transfer. Wire transfers must be submitted by March 7, 2025 at 5 PM.
For inquiries, further information, or in the event potential bidders do not have access to a computer and would like to make arrangements to utilize a computer at DCAS’ office located at 1 Centre Street, Manhattan for online bid submissions, please contact DCAS at 212-386-0622 or ncrespo@dcas.nyc.gov.
The following is a list of all lease auction related documents: