The Top 9 Things Community Board Members Need to Know

Click here to download the plain language guide to Chapter 68 for Community Board Members.

Click here for a HTML friendly version of the plain language guide to Chapter 68 for Community Board Members.

1. Community Board members are part-time public servants subject to the City’s conflicts of interest law with some special requirements.

2. Community Board members may not vote on any matter that could result in a personal and direct economic gain for themselves or any “associated” person, business, or not-for-profit organization.

3. Community Board members may participate in discussions about matters in which they have an interest only after disclosing that interest on the record of the Community Board.

4. Community Board members may not represent their private business, their employer, or a private client before their Community Board.

5. Community Board members who also work for a City agency or other government or quasi-government entity may not vote on any matter concerning that agency or entity.

6. Community Board members may not have an ownership interest in or a position with a firm or not-for-profit organization that does business with their Community Board.

7. Community Board members may serve on committees that regularly consider matters concerning their private interests but may not vote on such matters and must disclose their interest before discussing such matters.

8. Community Board Committee Chairs may not have an interest in or a position with a firm or not-for-profit organization that has matters that come before the committee three or more times over a twelve-month period.

9. Community Board Chairs are permitted to have an interest in or a position with a firm or not-for-profit organization that has matters that come before their community board but must step down as Chair at meetings where such matters are discussed or voted on.


Want advice? Click here or call (212) 442-1400 to speak to the Board’s Attorney of the Day. All calls are confidential.