There is a formal process to become a designated Qualified Parking Structures Inspectors (QPSI) as per the NYC Rules and NYC Administrative Code. A candidate must be a New York State registered professional engineer in good standing with the New York State Education Department and the New York City Department of Buildings. In addition, the QPSI candidate will be required to document to the Department, a minimum of three (3) years of relevant structural engineering experience in one of the following areas:
The QPSI candidate will be required to submit a detailed curriculum vitae (CV) with three sample engineering projects, regarding either the design of structures, design of structural repairs, inspection and structural evaluation of building structures, or forensic investigations.
Upon review of the QPSI candidate’s CV, sample engineering reports, and projects the Parking Structures Unit will schedule an interview with the candidate. The interview will consist of a series of questions designed to examine the candidate’s knowledge of structural engineering and of the NYC Building Code and Rule requirements regarding parking structures.
If you are interested in becoming a QPSI please email the Department’s Parking Structures Unit at