Maintaining Your Property

Property owners are required to maintain their buildings in compliance with the City's Construction Codes. Failure to do so could result in violations, monetary penalties, and/or criminal charges. If you are considering performing work on your home, consult an RDP to assess whether a permit is required.

  • Boilers
    Building owners are legally required to provide heat and hot water to their tenants. When something goes wrong with the boiler system only licensed and qualified individuals can repair your boiler. Get more Boiler information.
  • Elevators
    Keeping your elevator properly maintained is essential to keeping the occupants and visitors in your building safe. Get more information on Elevators.
  • Energy Efficiency & Code Compliance
    Since 2010 new construction and major alterations have been required to comply NYC Energy Conservation Code. Simultaneously, the City has been working on ways to increase energy efficiency and cut carbon emissions. Both small improvements, such as painting, and large projects, such as solar panel installation, can make a significant difference in lowering energy costs. Learn more about Energy Efficiency and Code Compliance.
  • Façades
    To keep buildings safe, owners of buildings over six stories must have the exterior walls inspected every five years. Property owners must install public protection and repair dangerous façade conditions immediately if found during this inspection. Learn more about Façades.
  • Gas Piping Inspections
    Gas piping systems in all buildings, except for one- and two-family homes, and other buildings classified in occupancy group R-3, must be inspected at least once every four years. Learn more about Periodic Gas Piping System Inspections.
  • Green Roofs & Solar Panels
    Green roofs and solar panels help reduce our greenhouse gas emissions. Installing a green roof or solar panel may add substantial weight to your roof but the benefits help us get to a more sustainable City. Get more information on Green Roofs and Solar Panels.
  • Illegally Altered Property
    Illegally altered buildings and apartments violate the City's construction codes and can pose serious risks to tenants, neighbors, and first responders in the event of a fire or other emergency. Unauthorized work is subject to violations and Stop Work Orders from the Department. For more information see Illegally Altered Property.
  • Living Safely Campaign
    The Living Safely Campaign is multi-lingual campaign created to alert both tenants and property owners to the dangers of illegal apartments and substandard conditions. Learn more about the Living Safely Campaign.
  • Natural Gas Detection Devices
    Local Law 157 of 2016 amended the New York City Housing Maintenance Code and the New York City Building Code to require the installation of natural gas detecting devices in residential buildings. It required the Department to promulgate a rule regarding the installation and location of natural gas alarms after an industry standard had been established. Two rules have been promulgated to implement local law 157. The first, 1 RCNY §908-02, clarifies the installation and location requirements of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standard 715. The second, 1 RCNY §3616-06 amends some provisions of NFPA 715 to refer to compliance with the Administrative Code and the Electrical Code and to add a cut-off date for existing buildings. Building owners and developers are encouraged to consult with their registered design professionals regarding the specific requirements of the legislation and related rules. Additionally, see the following Natural Gas Detection Device FAQs for answers to many frequently encountered questions.
  • Parking Structures
    Parking garages or buildings with an occupancy of three or more cars must be inspected every 6 years. Property owners must protect the public by installing protective measures and/or cordoning off unsafe areas and immediately repair any dangerous conditions found during inspection. Learn more about Parking Structures.
  • Plumbing Permits & Applications
    Before plumbing work begins, the property owner must hire a New York State licensed Professional Engineer (PE), Registered Architect (RA), or Department-licensed plumber to file for the proper permits. Plumbing contractors must be qualified to do the plumbing work they were hired to perform because improper work can create serious danger. Property owners and the people performing plumbing work without a permit may face violations with penalties, court appearances, and civil or criminal penalties. Learn more about Plumbing Permits & Applications.
  • Retaining Walls 
    Retaining walls are designed to hold back soil that would move to a more natural slope or incline if the wall was not in place. As temperatures rise and the seasons change, retaining walls can become particularly susceptible to deterioration, which can put nearby buildings at risk. As a homeowner, you are required by law to maintain your property, including retaining walls, in a safe condition at all times. Learn more about Retaining Walls.
  • Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Detectors
    Smoke alarms and Carbon Monoxide (CO) Detectors are the most valuable lifesaving devices you can have in your home. Make sure your detectors are working and remember to change the batteries twice a year. Get more information on Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Detectors.
  • Tool Kits
    Learn tips, necessary precautions and operating information for common projects. Learn more about and get tips from DOB's various Tool Kits.
  • Utility Service Restoration
    Gas service is essential to daily living. When this vital utility is shut down, the proper steps must be taken to restore service. To restore gas to your property, the DOB requires the filing of an Emergency Work Notification or a Limited Alteration Application. Learn more about Utility Service Restoration.
  • Weatherizing Your Property
    Take precautions before seasons change to weatherize your home and save energy. Learn more about Weatherizing Your Property.

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