Health Data Tools

Use our Health Data tools for research information from the Registry’s 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016 and 2020 major surveys, along with other specialized surveys. For confidentiality, personal information is removed before publishing.

If you have questions or would like more information, call 866-NYC-WTCR (866-692-9827) or email

About the WTC Health Registry

The WTC Health Registry was established to:

  • Evaluate the long-term health effects of 9/11 by tracking enrollees' physical and mental health for two decades.
  • Inform the public about findings.
  • Improve emergency preparedness procedures.

Who Was Eligible?

  • People who lived in Lower Manhattan south of Canal Street on September 11, 2001. (These enrollees did not have to be in the area on September 11, 2001.)
  • Rescue and recovery workers and volunteers who worked at least one shift at a WTC site between September 11, 2001 and June 30, 2002.
  • Lower Manhattan workers, commuters, residents, students, school staff and visitors who were south of Chambers Street between the time the first plane hit and noon on September 11, 2001.
  • Students who attended schools in Lower Manhattan south of Canal Street. (These enrollees did not have to be in school on September 11, 2001.)
  • Staff employed at schools in Lower Manhattan south of Canal Street. (These enrollees did not have to be at work on September 11, 2001.)

Approximately 26% of enrollees met the criteria for more than one eligibility category.

Enrollees were recruited through partnerships with other agencies and organizations, media campaigns, public forums and a pre-enrollment phone line and web site.   

About the Baseline Survey

The baseline survey (PDF) consisted of questions about demographics, exposure to the collapse and physical and mental health conditions and symptoms. Data were collected by phone and in person.

In addition:

  • Data were self-reported.  
  • Medical exams were not required.
  • Baseline interviews were conducted two to three years after the WTC disaster.
  • Enrollees were asked about new or worsening physical health symptoms since the WTC attacks. They were not asked about the original onset or severity of symptoms.
  • Questions about the dust and debris cloud did not specifically define what the dust and debris cloud meant. Therefore, enrollees may have had different interpretations of the dust and debris cloud.
  • Interviews were conducted in multiple languages, including English, Spanish, Cantonese and Mandarin.

The Registry will track enrollees' health through periodic health surveys, vital record matches, cancer registries, hospital data, in-depth studies of specific exposure and health outcomes and public health surveillance of specific groups.

More Information

Data File User's Manual (PDF) (2003 – 2004 Adult Survey)

Data File User's Manual (PDF) (2006-2007 Adult Survey)