Kings County Hospital Center offers comprehensive services to women. We help mothers deliver babies in the most natural setting possible. We also offer comprehensive screening and treatment programs to keep you healthy and detect diseases at the earliest stage possible to maximize the best outcome.
Labor & Delivery
Our state-of-the-art Labor & Delivery Suites offer comforts of a home setting. Each single room is tastefully decorated in natural wood and warm colors, with recessed and natural light from pictures windows. All equipment is hidden in closets within the suite until needed. Every room has an individual shower and bathroom, TV and telephone.
Prenatal care is provided by certified nurse midwives who develop a close relationship with each prospective mother throughout her pregnancy. We accommodate patient preferences during labor and delivery, and the spacious delivery suites can accommodate families, who are welcome to stay through the entire birthing process if they wish.
Women’s Health Center
Our recently renovated Women’s Health Center provides comprehensive services including breast health, colonoscopy, family planning, obstetrics and gynecology, postpartum, and a teen obstetrics clinic.
We also offer the Prenatal Care Assistance Program (PCAP) which gives pregnant women access to prenatal care delivery, Postpartum Care, Food and Nutritional Supplements (WIC), Pediatric Care, HIV testing, counseling and primary care. For more information, please call 718-245-3514/3515.
The Healthy Women’s Partnership Program provides free breast and cervical cancer screening to uninsured, underinsured or underserved women in the Brooklyn community. The focus of this program is to decrease cancer death caused by lack of early detection.
Women's Infant and Child Program (WIC)
Kings County Hospital: 718-245-3126/24
WIC Flatbush: 718-338-5533
The WIC Program provides supplemental foods and nutrition education to eligible, low-income pregnant or breastfeeding women and their infants and children up to their 5th birthday. WIC is fighting the war on obesity in our children by emphasizing low-fat milk, increased intake of fruits and vegetables and increased exercise.
We provide cooking demonstrations, a family movement and exercise program and a breastfeeding program staffed by Certified Lactation Consultants.