Kings County Hospital offers quality specialty services for the health needs of Central Brooklyn’s diverse communities and neighborhoods. Our Centers of Excellence include services to people with diabetes, stroke, Parkinson’s disease and those who suffer life-threatening injuries.
Pediatric Trauma Center
Kings County Hospital Center’s Level 1 Trauma Center is the only facility in Brooklyn to have a center dedicated to the care of injured children. We treat a wide variety of pediatric trauma patients, whether they are hurt in motor vehicle accidents or injured while playing. We are designated by the State of New York as a Regional Pediatric Trauma Center.
At the hospital, a specially trained and designated team assesses every child, using a carefully developed trauma protocol. This systematic assessment helps to minimize the chance that an injury will be missed. Also, because traumatically injured children frequently experience multiple injuries and need specialized care, our Trauma Center works with many other specialties in the hospital, such as neurosurgery, orthopedics, otolaryngology, and radiology.
Diabetes Resource Center
Kings County Hospital has a specially designed Diabetes Center and a program which includes education about good nutrition. It even has a demonstration kitchen so patients can learn how to cook foods that bring them the best health. Our Certified Diabetes Educators offers education on diabetes risk factors using a variety of teaching methods, including culturally sensitive educational materials, brochures and videotapes, to help patients manage their disease. Instruction is in English and educational materials are available in the languages most commonly spoken by our patients.
Parkinson’s Disease Center of Excellence
The Parkinson’s Disease Center of Excellence evaluates patients for Parkinson’s disease and related disorders. Kings County Hospital Center is the only public hospital in the world to be designated as a Center of Excellence by the National Institutes of Health for exploring neuroprotection, a form of therapy which aims to slow the progression of the disease.
Our goal is to help patients adjust their lives so that living with long-term effects of Parkinson’s disease is easier for everyone. To ensure consistent, ongoing care, patients are seen by the same physician at each clinic visit.
Stroke Center
Kings County Hospital Center has been designated by the State of New York as a specialized stroke center. All patients with suspected stroke are evaluated rapidly in the Emergency Department, and appropriate treatment is started immediately. We have a team of neurologists, neurosurgeons, radiologists, emergency physicians, nurses and physical therapists who are experienced in the treatment of stroke. This team approach reduces the risk of death and of permanent disability.
Trauma Center
Kings County Hospital has one of the busiest Level 1 trauma centers in the entire five boroughs and some of the newest operating rooms and radiology facilities in the City.
According to the New York State Department of Health, we are "the linchpin of the trauma system in New York City." A nationally known trauma radiologist, Dr. Salvator Sclafani, heads our Radiology Department. Our trauma/critical care surgeons are among the most skilled and experienced in the city.
Trauma services we typically perform include industrial and on-the-job accidents, domestic accidents, poisoning, and initial and resuscitative measures in burn care.