Legal Assistance

Legal matters are an important part of working as a neighborhood-serving organization, but the cost of a legal consultation can be daunting. We partner with the Lawyers Alliance for New York  to provide legal, compliance, and governance support to community-based organizations  — for free.

Whether you have questions about how to incorporate your organization, your lease, a contract, or the roles and responsibilities of your organization's leadership, we will put you in touch with an attorney who can offer pro-bono services.

Who Can Apply

  • Nonprofit community-based organizations (BIDs, local development corporations, merchants associations, and other organizations) operating in low- and moderate-income neighborhoods within the five boroughs of New York City;
  • Nonprofit organizations incorporated in New York State;
  • Organizations compliant with annual State and Federal filing requirements.

How to Apply

To request a consultation, please email with a brief description of what kind of legal support your organization is looking for. Requests will be reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis through May 1, 2024.