Marketing and communications are a crucial component for any neighborhood development project to develop support and build coalitions with local stakeholders. We partner with ideas42 and BRIC Arts Media to highlight commercial revitalization projects across NYC and help nonprofits create communications campaigns that are more effective and drive action.
Select a program name, or press the enter key on a program name, to view more information.
Communications Redesign
Do you have any communications or marketing materials your organization wants to improve? Whether it's an email, a flyer, or a survey, CBDOs can sign up for this special opportunity to work individually with coaches from ideas42 to get actionable suggestions on how to reevaluate your communication strategies to have a greater impact and create more effective materials.
CBDOs will be matched with a behavioral science expert to get feedback, revise a survey, help customize a marketing or communication, assess your organization's specific talking-points, and get hands-on support offering actionable suggestion on how to redesign materials. This is a competitive opportunity limited to four organizations.
To request these services, please email with an example of a communications material your organization is looking to redesign and a brief description of its intended goals. Requests will be reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis through May 1, 2024.
"Shop Your City" Videos
The Shop Your City campaign encourages New Yorkers to support small businesses while helping NYC's economy recover. Selected SBS partners in our grant programs work closely with BRIC Arts Media to strengthen the image of their corridor through digital marketing materials and trainings. Through a series of videos that showcase local community leaders and the unique small businesses in commercial corridors across NYC, we help equip these CBDOs to tell their story and highlight their neighborhood assets.