The text of the Zoning Resolution consists of 14 articles that establish the zoning districts for the City and the regulations governing land use and development. Articles I through VII contain the use, bulk, parking and other applicable regulations for each zoning district. The three major articles are Article II, with regulations for residence districts, Article III for commercial districts, and Article IV for manufacturing districts. Articles VIII through XIV set forth the purpose and regulations for each Special Purpose District.
There are ten appendices to the Zoning Resolution which provide supplemental information to the text of the 14 Articles.
Access the enhanced online Zoning Resolution.
Each article contains a number of chapters and each chapter contains many sections, each with a four-, five- or six-digit number. The digits before a hyphen indicate the article and chapter; the digits following the hyphen indicate the section number. For example, Section 123-62 references Article XII, Chapter 3, Section 62.
There is a brief period between the date the City Council adopts an amendment and the date that it is added to this online version of the Resolution.
The date at the top of each section is the date on which that section was added or last amended by the City Planning Commission and made effective by the City Council. The title page of each online chapter also lists the effective date of the most recently added or amended section in the chapter. In addition, the Zoning Amendment Index lists all zoning text amendments since 1993, along with the effective date, ULURP number, and the new or modified section numbers. These dates and lists are important for researching the history of each zoning section.
All words defined in the Resolution are surrounded by pound signs (#) on the web (or italicized in the print version) and the definitions are set forth in Article I, Chapter 2, or within the chapters where the definitions apply.
Most sections have a list, either just below the section title or referenced in the section itself, to the zoning districts to which that section applies. If the districts listed have an alphabetical or numerical extension, R3A or C5-3 for example, the text applies only to those specific districts. If the district listed has no extension, C5 for example, the text applies to all commercial districts with a C5 designation (C5-1, C5-1A, C5-2, C5-2.5, C5-2A, C5-3, C5-3.5, C5-4, C5-5 and C5P). When no districts are listed, the regulations apply to all districts covered by the article (all residence districts in Article II for example).
The Zoning Resolution contains several references to graphic symbols provided in digital files on the Department of City Planning website.
There are ten appendices to the Zoning Resolution which provide supplemental information to the text of the 14 Articles: