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Worker Connect

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Each day caseworkers across New York City assist thousands of residents seeking access to city services and program benefits. To do so, workers collect, review and process information and documentation from prospective and existing program clients. Sometimes this information may be missing or inaccessible, of questionable quality or siloed across multiple legacy systems that do not communicate with one another.

Worker Connect is designed to help caseworkers overcome information hurdles that potentially hinder efficient and effective service delivery. Using innovative technologies, Worker Connect links administrative case data and document vaults across multiple New York City Agencies making them accessible through a single online portal. With Worker Connect, a caseworker can search for a client to retrieve a consolidated view of select demographic detail, household data, service interactions and casefile documents from multiple City Agencies.

What is Worker Connect?

Worker Connect is a data integration system that provides access to case file data for caseworkers and managers in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations. This is made possible through:

  • Innovative technologies that provide near real-time access to selected data and documents from multiple case management systems across the City.
  • A robust policy and legal framework that allows for data sharing to authorized users in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.
  • Granular system security to ensure Worker Connect users only see what they are legally allowed.
  • How is Worker Connect used? Worker Connect is used by City Agencies to serve New York City residents.
  • Enroll in benefits/services. Caseworkers can assess client eligibility for program services and assist clients to complete applications using data and documents available in the systems, reducing this burden from the client.
  • Locate family members and collateral contacts. Worker Connect links contact information and details across different systems which can help an Agency stay connected with individuals and families, place individuals in stable housing arrangements or reunite lost family members.
  • Review household composition and needs. Caseworkers get a holistic view of services a family may be receiving or, just as importantly, services they do not have but may need and be eligible to receive.