May is Mental Health Month, a time for self-reflection! Too often, we are bogged down with work and family responsibilities and teeter on the line of burnout, the inevitable consequence of prolonged, unmanaged stress. So this month, join me in Centering Your Day and focusing on refueling your energy to avoid burning out.
Make Sleep a Priority
Several days of sleep deprivation is equivalent to driving while drunk. The bottom line is sleep is essential to have energy, staying healthy, and functioning at your best. Download our Better Sleep During Stressful Times handout, and take steps to get 7 – 8 hours of sleep each night for peak performance.
Every 90 Minutes, Take a Break
Do you lose focus after long periods of working on a project? The energy you give a project is as vital as the time you devote to it. You can quiet your mind and body in one minute and skillfully renew your energy throughout the day. Download this "Breathing Exercises for relaxation and focus" handout and take a break.
Practice Gratitude
Noticing what's good in life can be difficult when going through prolonged unmanaged stress. Expressing gratitude improves physical and psychological health and can offset our natural negativity bias. The next time you notice what's wrong, smile, hug yourself, and consider how to offer yourself or others some positive energy. Download our Gratitude Cards and share them with a colleague.
Leave Work at Work
Many of us carry work home, both literally and figuratively, every day. Consider creating a routine to help you disconnect from the office. You can take a few moments to enjoy nature, journal, or meditate to let the day go and leave work behind. Here are some suggestions to get you started:
Move More
You may get tired just thinking about engaging in physical activity. But regular movement can help you deal with stress and is a resilience-enhancing activity. So take a walk outdoors at lunchtime, join a Gym, try chair yoga, or take a digital fitness class.
Seek Out Support
If you find yourself struggling and unable to get back on track, seek support from your trusted colleague, manager, or family member. Always remember, professional help is a phone call away. Call the NYC Employee Assistance program at 212-306-7660 or email at At the EAP, licensed mental health professionals are happy to provide confidential services to you and your family.
Want to know more about burnout and what you can do to prevent it? Check out our two-part video series, Extinguish Burnout!