You must use the Hearings Division Appeal Application form. The form is available below and at any OATH Hearings Division office.
OATH must receive your appeal within 30 days of the date of the decision, or within 35 days if the decision was mailed to you.
If you have questions about your deadlines, contact the OATH Help Center at
In most cases you are required to pay the penalty before you appeal. OATH offers waivers of the payment requirement if you can show that it would be a financial hardship for you to pay the penalty while you wait for the appeal decision in your case. For more information about payment and financial hardship waivers, see the instructions on the OATH Appeal Application form below.
Additionally, you must send a copy of your completed Appeal Application form to the agency responsible for the summons. The copy gives the agency a chance to reply. You can find the agency's address on the back of the Appeal Application form, as well as on the back of your hearing decision.
You must then send the Hearings Division Appeals Unit your Appeal Application form. You must include proof that a copy has been sent to the agency. Do this by checking the box and filling in the certification statement on page two of the Appeal Application Form.
All necessary forms are available below:
File Your Appeal by Mail (Español) (اللغة العربية) (বাংলা) (中文) (Français) (Kreyòl) (한국어) (Polskie) (Русском) (اردو)
Request for Extensions and Hearing Recordings by Mail (Español) (اللغة العربية) (বাংলা) (中文) (Français) (Kreyòl) (한국어) (Polskie) (Русском) (اردو)
File Your Response to an Appeal by Mail (Español) (اللغة العربية) (বাংলা) (中文) (Kreyòl) (한국어) (Polskie) (Русском) (اردو)
Request for an Extension of Time to Respond to an Appeal (Español) (اللغة العربية) (বাংলা) (中文) (Kreyòl) (한국어) (Polskie) (Русском) (اردو)