In 1978, the Tenant Interim Lease (TIL) Program was created to assist organized Tenant Associations in City-owned buildings to develop economically self-sufficient low-income cooperatives where tenants have the opportunity to purchase their apartments. Under this program, Tenant Associations are entered into a Net lease with the City and governed by the Articles of Association and By-Laws.
Tenant Associations continue to operate and be governed by the Articles of Association and By-Laws until each building is rehabilitated through one of New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development's (HPD) preservation programs.
HPD’s Office of Asset & Property Management currently oversees buildings in the TIL Program and has assigned a TIL building coordinator to each Tenant Association. The building coordinator acts as a property management liaison and is responsible for overseeing Tenant Association activities including, but not limited to, rent collections, board elections, board meetings, monitoring compliance with program rules (e.g., submission of monthly financial reports, annual elections). The building coordinators are the Tenant Associations’ and tenants’ primary point of contact at HPD.
Contact the TIL general line at 212-863-7091 to obtain your assigned TIL building coordinator’s contact information.
The Urban Homesteading Assistance Board (UHAB) has been contracted by HPD to provide specialized training and technical assistance to TIL Tenant Associations (TAs). These resources are designed to meet your building’s unique needs, offering tailored training and free classroom sessions available to TIL TAs, and one-on-one guidance to tenants and tenant associations, all geared to build a strong foundation for your TA to become a successful cooperative. UHAB provides expert training and assistance on dozens of topics, such as compliance with TIL policies, rules, regulations, building maintenance, financial management, rodent management and more.
To learn more about UHAB and what they have to offer, please visit their website or call 212-479-3369 to schedule a training for your building.
In 2015, HPD launched new TIL programmatic policies and Corrective Action Plans (CAPs) to enforce and clarify HPD’s expectations for Tenant Associations and empower them to be successful. Tenant Associations are expected to comply with the following baseline compliance requirements:
Any Tenant Association not in compliance with any one or more requirements noted above is subject to a six-month corrective action period. HPD will issue a detailed Corrective Action Plan (CAP) to non-compliant Tenant Associations. The CAP will outline the steps necessary to be compliant. Throughout this period, the TA’s are notified in writing as their CAP’s are monitored and updated. Tenant Associations are encouraged to contact their building coordinator to discuss the baseline compliance requirements.
HPD recognizes that TIL buildings are in various stages of disrepair and require significant remediation. Every year, HPD finances roof and boiler repairs, mold removal, and façade stabilization work on buildings within the TIL portfolio. TIL building coordinators will conduct annual ‘roof-to-cellar’ inspections to assess the physical condition and identify repair priorities. HPD will provide a building condition report to each Tenant Association that will serve as an annual guide for repair activities.
Tenant households in the TIL program may request temporary relocation to another residential unit within the TIL program. HPD will review temporary relocation requests for limited reasons including:
Other reasons are considered on a case-by-case basis. All requests are contingent on availability of suitable residential units (vacancy) and budget availability.
To request temporary relocation, complete and submit the Temporary Relocation Application form, along with supporting documentation to your TIL building coordinator.
A family member of an apartment’s tenant of record, who meets all the requirements to remain as a lawful tenant after the tenant of record has permanently vacated the apartment, is allowed to file for successor tenancy. These occupancy rights of family members are often referred to as succession rights. The complete requirements for succession rights can be found in Chapter 24 of Title 28 of the Rules of the City of New York.
The conditions that must be met for succession are outlined in Chapter 24 and include:
(1) Eligible Family Member, and
(2) Occupancy during the Co-Residency Period (Two-year period unless applicant is claiming one year period as a senior citizen or disabled individual).
When HPD has to relocate a TIL tenant out of their primary residence due to rehabilitation work, HPD offers to provide long term storage of the tenant’s belongings. The long-term storage is typically in a warehouse setting as items are expected to be stowed away safely for long periods of time.
All relocated tenants with items in HPD long term storage are allowed access to their property. To access your stored items, please contact your assigned TIL building coordinator to set up an appointment.
Currently access is available Monday through Thursday (except holidays) from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tenants may visit the storage facility once per month and up to three persons are permitted per visit. Please note that the tenant of record must be present at all visits to the storage facility. Non-expired Government-issued photo identification, such as a driver’s license or passport, is required for every person entering the storage facility.
For more information, please see the list of Frequently Asked Questions (Preguntas Frecuentes) for tenants.
In 2012, HPD created the Affordable Neighborhood Cooperative Program (ANCP) to rehabilitate city-owned properties managed by TIL, in order to create affordable cooperatives for low and moderate-income households. ANCP provides low interest loans in the form of City capital subsidy, in addition to leveraging private sector financing to pay for construction and rehabilitation costs.
For more information on ANCP, please visit the ANCP page.
Tenant Associations must comply with preset requirements before beginning the process for co-op conversion through ANCP. At least 80 percent of a building’s tenants must:
Agree to Purchase Cooperative Shares
At least 80 percent of residents must agree to become shareholders and purchase their shares.
Attend Training Classes
If residents choose homeownership, HPD requires at least 80 percent of the tenants must participate in mandatory cooperative management training during the construction period to help prepare them for the responsibilities of homeownership.
Remain Current on Rent Payments
Cooperative sustainability relies heavily on its financial strength. Regular rent payments will lay a solid foundation for the tenant association upon conversion to a cooperative. At least 80 percent of residents must stay current on rent in order to purchase their shares.
For additional housing resources, please visit the Housing Resource Portal.