Property Tax System FAQ

The account history is a financial record for a property identified by borough, block, and lot.

There are four tax classes. Class 1 includes most residential properties of up to three units, vacant land zoned for residential use, and most condominiums of not more than three stories. Class 2 includes all residential property not in class 1. Class 3 includes utility-company equipment. Class 4 includes all property that is not within classes 1, 2, or 3.

In rem is the legal tax foreclosure proceeding the City may use to enforce the payment of delinquent real estate taxes and other property-related charges. Code descriptions: Y = Installment agreement exists; N = No installment agreement exists.

An exemption is the amount of assessed value that is not subject to the general real estate tax. Code descriptions:

  • V = Veteran
  • Y = Yes, another exemption exists
  • N = No other exemption exists

Unused SCRIE credits are the portion of the Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption not applied to a real estate tax period.

  • Account Type: the type of tax or related charge. View the code definitions.
  • Account ID: the account number given to a real estate-related charge, such as meters, Health Department charges, and sidewalk repairs.
  • Period Begin Date: the start date of any period.
  • Due Date: the date the charge is due.
  • End Date/In Date: The end date is the last date of a period and the in date is the date a payment is made.
  • Int Begin Date/Process Date: The interest begin date is the date from which interest is calculated. The process date is the date a transaction is entered into the system.
  • Trans Type/ID or Note: The trans type is a three-digit code indicating the kind of transaction. View the trans type code descriptions. ID is a unique 12-digit code identifying an individual transaction.
  • Item Indicator: a short description of the line. It can be one of five types:
    • C1 = Charge
    • P1 = Payment
    • I1 = Interest
    • D = Discount
    • XX = Miscellaneous.
  • Liability: the sum of charges, charge adjustments, and interest.
  • Collections: the sum of payments, payment adjustments, and discounts.

If you have a question for the Department of Finance regarding this statement or your property, contact us.