Local Law Reports & Compliance

A person reading a report.

ADA Policy and Compliance

It is the policy of New York City Emergency Management to comply with all applicable laws including but not limited to, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Rehabilitation Act, the New York State Human Rights Law and the New York City Human Rights Law. NYC Emergency Management does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the operation of its programs, services and activities.
View New York City Emergency Management policies prohibiting discrimination against people with disabilities

Website Accessibility Statement

NYCEM is dedicated to making all of our materials accessible. If you are having trouble accessing any part of our website because of a disability, please let us know so we can make it right using our Website Accessibility Statement.

NYC Proposed Rule to Continue Temporary Emergency Food Delivery Program

NYC Emergency Management is proposing a new rule to continue the temporary emergency food delivery program for vulnerable homebound New Yorkers who are impacted by food insecurity during the COVID-19 declared public emergency and who meet certain eligibility criteria.
View the notice
Read the public hearing transcript and public comments

Compliance with Section 4-210

New York City Emergency Management is in compliance with Section 4-210 of the NYC Admin. Code (as added by Local Law 246 of 2017). NYC Emergency Management has a policy and procedure limiting access to the non-public areas of its facilities.

Public Meetings

New York City Local Emergency Planning Committee met at NYC Emergency Management's headquarters in Brooklyn. Attendees including staff from NYC agencies and the general public.

Watch the June 7, 2022 video on YouTube; Read the transcript
Watch the August 27, 2021 video on YouTube; Read the transcript
Watch the September 22, 2020 video on YouTube; Read the transcript
Watch the June 14, 2019 video on YouTube; Read the transcript
Watch the June 15, 2018 video on YouTube; Read the transcript
Watch the June 20, 2017 video on YouTube; Read the transcript
Watch the June 7, 2016 video on YouTube; Read the transcript
Watch the June 9, 2015 video on YouTube

NYC Emergency Management held a public hearing and opportunity to comment on proposed rules to continue the temporary emergency food delivery program for vulnerable homebound New Yorkers who are impacted by food insecurity during the COVID-19 declared public emergency and who meet certain eligibility criteria.
Read the public hearing transcript and public comments

Local Law Reports

Local Law 7/2022 Annual Report

Local Law 7 of 2022 established a five-year advisory committee focused on nuclear disarmament and reinforcing New York City's commitment to being a Nuclear Weapons-Free Zone (NWFZ).  The committee is tasked with conducting a thorough review of the City's stance on nuclear weapons. This annual report summarizes the activities and progress of this committee for 2023.

View the Local Law 7/2022 Annual Report

Local Law 12/2023

Local Law 12 of 2023 ("Local Law 12") reqiures all New York City (NYC) agencies to prepare and implement a Five-Year Accessibility Plan in Consultation with the Mayor's Office For People With Disabilities (MOPD). The Local Law requires agencies to outline the concrete steps each agency is and will be taking to remove or prevent barriers that impede access to the agency's services, prorams, activities, and workplace for people with disabilities, as well as efforts to expand access.

View NYC Emergency Management's Five-Year Accessibility Plan 

Local Law 12/2022

Local Law 12 of 2022 requires NYCEM to periodically review citywide emergency plans coordinated by the department by convening relevant agencies, publishing on its website a list of citywide emergency plans and a summary of each such plan, and establishing procedures through which members of the public can submit comments on emergency planning.

View NYC Emergency Management's List and Summary of Emergency Plans

Local Law 85/2020

Local Law 85 of 2020 requires City agencies to post the City's heat emergency plan to their respective public website.
View NYC Emergency Management's heat emergency plan

Local Law 75/2020

Local Law 75 of 2020 requires City agencies to post their Return to Office checklist to their respective public website.
View NYC Emergency Management's Return the Office Plan checklist

Local Law 103/2019

Local Law 103/2019 requires owners of any Group R-2 building or occupancy within a hurricane evacuation zone to post a hurricane evacuation notice within the building or occupancy.
Click here to view and download notices for posting within the buildings.

NYC OpenData

NYC Emergency Management makes the data it generates available for public use on the NYC OpenData website. Public data sets made available on the web portal are provided for informational purposes.

Local Law 30

Local Law 30 creates a centralized language access policy for New York City. Local Law 30 mandates that City agencies create a language access implementation plan in order to ensure meaningful language access to their services. NYC Emergency Management's Language Access Coordinator is Christina Farrell, Deputy Commissioner of External Affairs.
View the agency's language access plan

Local Law 98/2013

Local Law 98/2013 adds a new section (30-113) to the NYC Administrative Code, and requires the City of New York to provide homeowners and building owners with information on how to prepare buildings for weather emergencies, natural disasters, and power outages.
View preparedness information for homeowners and building owners

Local Law 24/2011

Local Law 24/2011 outlines the plans and protocols in place to guide New York City's response to weather emergencies, including plans for winter weather, coastal storms, extreme heat, flash floods, and events causing power outages, damage to structures, and/or significant amounts of debris. Click below for additional details.
Weather Emergency Protocols Report: Local Law 24/2011 (2023)

Local Law 26/2011

Local Law 26/2011 requires agencies responsible for preparing for and responding to snow emergencies provide an annual snow preparedness and response report for each snow event of six inches or greater. Click below for the interagency snow preparedness and response reports submitted to date. 
2023 Snow Preparedness and Response Report

Extreme Weather Report

In 2021, the City of New York has developed a report that outlines actions it will take to address extreme weather in New York City.
Read the report
Read the October 2021 update
Read the November 2021 update