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Runaway & Homeless Youth Services

The Summer Youth Employment Program:

Beacon Community Centers:

Cornerstone Mentoring Program Report:

Fatherhood Initiative:

Interagency Coordinating Council:

NYC Ladders for Leaders:

Out-of-School Time Initiative:


Comprehensive Language Access Implementation Plans (LAIP)

Local Law 30 amended the New York City charter and the administrative code by improving access to City services for limited English proficiency (LEP) individuals. The Language Access Implementation Plan explains how the agency will provide services to people who have limited English proficiency (or LEP).

DYCD is committed to ensuring that all New Yorkers are able to learn about and enjoy services available to them. DYCD’s overarching goal for language access is to allow access and utilization by LEP individuals into DYCD’s array of services.

Language Access Coordinator: Andrew Miller, Senior Advocate for Community Resources