Language Accessibility

Limited English Proficient Population in New York City

Website Accessibility Statement

With more than 3 million foreign-born residents from more than 200 different countries, New York is home to one of the most diverse populations in the world. New Yorkers come from every corner of the globe and speak over 200 different languages.

Nearly one-half of all New Yorkers speak a language other than English at home, and almost 25%, or 1.8 million persons, are not English Proficient.

For these New Yorkers, interacting with City Government can often be a challenge. In response, in February 2017 City Council passed Local Law No. 30, which required all City agencies to provide opportunities for Limited English speakers to communicate and receive services. In compliance with Local Law No. 30, the Department of Correction developed a Language Access Plan that seeks to ensure meaningful access to our most vital services.

DOC Language Access Implementation Plan (LAIP) FY25-FY27

DOC Language Access Implementation Plan (LAIP) FY23

To learn how you can make a 311 language access-related complaint, please visit:

Language Access Coordinator:
Sharif Nelson