A green roof with the resilient nyc partners badge

Resilient NYC Partners

Properties can receive funding to install green infrastructure to manage stormwater on site

Benefits to Becoming a Resilient Partner

green roof in NYC

Get Started

Partnering with us is easy. We provide the funding and the expertise, you provide the property.

Our expert team will walk you through every step of the way. Contact us at info@resilientpartners.nyc to learn more and schedule a meeting. Don’t miss out—funds are limited!

Eligibility Criteria

  • Private Property: Private properties are eligible for this funding. This includes public property that is non-City owned, such as property owned by public universities or state and federal agencies. This also includes City-owned properties that have long-term leases with private entities with ten (10) or more years remaining on the lease.
  • Minimum Property Size: Private properties must have at least 50,000 square feet of site-level impervious area, such as large parking lots or courtyards.
  • Drainage Area: Private properties where stormwater drains to either the City’s combined or separate sewers are eligible for the program.
  • Legal and Maintenance Obligations: The property owner must sign a Programmatic Agreement and an Inspection and Maintenance Agreement, which both cover the same 5-year term. During this 5-year term, the property owner must maintain the installed green infrastructure practice, beginning after the construction end date.

How it works: Step by Step

  1. Assessment. We will first conduct a desktop analysis. If your property meets the eligibility criteria, we will then schedule a site visit with you to better understand your property.
  2. Planning & Review. We will develop detailed plans tailored to your property for your review. Together, we will refine and finalize your project.
  3. Scheduling & Approvals. We will work with you to make a construction plan and obtain permits.
  4. Construction. We will build it! Construction typically lasts 4–6 weeks. Contact us at info@resilientpartners.nyc to start the process.

Completed Projects

Did You Know?

  • More than 70% of NYC is covered in impervious surface. Stormwater from these areas can cause street flooding and overwhelm the sewer system.
  • Managing stormwater on site can reduce flooding and improve the health of local waterways.

What is Green Infrastructure?

close up of a rain garden

Green Infrastructure refers to cost-effective, sustainable strategies that manage stormwater where it falls, through natural processes such as infiltration and evapotranspiration. Examples include: rain gardens, infiltration basins, green or blue roofs, permeable paving, subsurface detention systems, and cisterns.