DDC places a very high priority on making prompt payments to our business partners.
General instructions and forms are linked below. If you are looking for the status of a particular payment, please call the appropriate DDC Resident Engineer or Project Manager or call DDC's automated Payment Hotline at 718-391-1704. If you need additional information, you can download and email this Payment Inquiry Form to ddcodir@ddc.nyc.gov (if you are an M/WBE) or to VendorRelations@ddc.nyc.gov (if you are not an M/WBE).
DDC is undertaking a comprehensive effort to simplify and streamline our payment process. If you wish to provide feedback on the overall process (not specific payment inquiries), please email DDCPaymentsTaskForce@ddc.nyc.gov.
Read: 12 Tips for Getting Paid Quickly