The Commission's Office of the Chair (OC) is responsible for issuing final Decisions and Orders after a trial and interim orders on issues that may arise before trial. After the trial, the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) issues a Report and Recommendation, which may include findings of fact, decisions of law, and recommendations on damages and civil penalties. The OC reviews the matter, including the trial transcripts, evidence presented at trial, ALJ's Report and Recommendation and any post-trial comments or objections de novo, and then issues its Decision and Order, adopting or rejecting – in whole or in part – the ALJ's Report and Recommendation.
Click on the case to see the full text of the decision and order.
Commission on Human Rights ex rel. Ondaan v. Lysius, 11/24/2020: Respondent, a housing provider, was held liable for discrimination based on a tenant's immigration status, as well as for retaliation. The Complainant was awarded $28,000.00 in emotional distress damages. The Commission also imposed a fine of $12,000.00, which could be set aside in its entirety if Respondent elected to participate in and completed, in good faith, a restorative justice process. The Commission also required the Respondent to undergo training.
Commission on Human Rights ex rel. Desir v. Walter and Empire State Realty Management, Inc, 03/02/2020: Respondents, a real estate agency and its agent, were held liable for gender discrimination in the form of sexual harassment and denial of housing against a transgender woman. The Complainant was awarded $50,000.00 in emotional distress damages. The Commission also imposed a fine of $25,000.00, reduced to $15,000.00 if Respondents engage with the Commission in a good faith restorative justice process. The Commission also required Respondents to undergo training relating to human rights, transgender rights, and sexual harassment prevention; to post a fair housing poster at all places of business; and a policy audit.