Operations Policy And Procedure Notices #04/99



May 24, 1999




June 7, 1999


To impose a fee for filing a Post Approval Amendment.


The Borough office shall collect the fee set forth in accordance with the specified guidelines.

  1. Filing a Post Approval Amendment (PAA)
    1. An amendment must be filed, a PAA shall be created and the PAA fee shall be imposed when there is a change to any of the following application information after approval of the original application: Zoning, Occupancy, Schedule A, Schedule B, Schedule C, Scope of Work or Fee Data (including estimated cost and/or a square footage).
    2. Although an amendment is required, when there is only a change to the applicant or filing representative information, a PAA should not be created. When there is only an applicant or filing representative change, the applicant shall file a PW-1 form and indicate "Amendment" in Section #1 and the new applicant/filing representative information in Section #3 or Section #4. In addition, the applicant shall clearly indicate in the comments section that the amendment is only a change to the applicant or filing representative information. The application shall be filed at DEAR and No Fee Shall Be Charged. The data entry clerk shall select the option for "Change Applicant of Record" on the DEAR menu and enter the new information. If the change of applicant or filing representative includes changes to any of the items listed in paragraph 1.A. above, a PAA must be filed and fees will be imposed. A PAA does not need to be filed for any other change.
    3. An amendment is required, but a PAA should not be created when the applicant submits revised plans to reflect "as built" conditions as long as the plan change does not result in an increase in the scope of work, or a change to Schedule A, Schedule B, or Schedule C data. The revised plans must be reviewed by the examiner but no fee shall be imposed. However if the revised plans reflect a major change in the design of the building (but no change to zoning on occupancy) a re-examination is required and fees shall be imposed.
    4. Borough Applications

      When a PAA is filed, the Borough Office will create a post approval amendment and collect a $100 minimum fee in Express Cashier prior to plan exam. The plan examiner will review the PAA to determine whether the PAA exceeds the original scope of work. If the PAA does exceed the original scope of work, the plan examiner will note on the BIS system during the approval process that additional fees are due. The applicant will return to prefiling to determine if additional fees are due.

    5. Prefiler - The prefiler will data enter the new total cost, new total square footage (NB), or new total linear footage (curb cuts, sheds). The computer will calculate any additional fees due. The computer will automatically deduct the original $100 and give the balance due. Such fees will be paid at the Express Cashier. The applicant will return to the plan examiner to continue the approval process.

    6. Elevator Application PAA

      The fee for filing an amendment to an approved elevator application shall be $100. The fee shall be paid prior to submission of the amendment and a copy of the payment receipt shall be attached to the amendment.

    7. Payment Processing

      All of the fees will be accepted at the Express Cashier.