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Support for Families With Vouchers


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How Do I Submit My Voucher?

Your Child Care Voucher (CFWB-049) will be sent to you by email once you are found eligible. It must be completed and signed by both you and your chosen childcare provider and sent back to ACS to complete your child’s enrollment.

Once completed, please submit your Child Care Voucher and any other necessary enrollment documents to the ACS CFWB Voucher Enrollment Unit (VEU) via the ACS Voucher Enrollment Portal. Please keep a copy of the completed voucher and other documentation for your records. The documents you may need to submit are outlined in the Voucher Package that was emailed or mailed to you with your Child Care Voucher.

ACS will review the requested documents and forms and mail a child enrollment notice to you and your chosen child care provider once your enrollment is finalized. This process can take up to 6 weeks depending on the type of provider you select and if they’re already known to ACS.

How Can I Change Where My Child Is Enrolled?

Parents with a current ACS voucher can change to any other ACS approved provider at any time by requesting a transfer voucher. Please request a transfer voucher by completing this request form. Families who are on or applying for Cash Assistance should contract their HRA Benefits Access Center about changing child care providers. Families receiving Transitional Child Care (TCC) should contact to change providers.

How Do I Request A Special Needs Child Care Rate?

Please download the Special Needs Application (CFWB-001) on our Forms for Families page and follow the instructions to request the special needs designation. Child care providers can receive a reimbursement rate once they provide child care services which are appropriate for the child and demonstrate increased costs as a result of the child care.

Please follow the instructions on the Special Needs Application (CFWB-001) to request the special needs designation. To request the special needs rate, providers should complete each section of the application form and submit the current documentation of disability and/or expenses related to care.

How Do I Request A Conference or Fair Hearing?

If you disagree with ACS's decision regarding your child care eligibility determination, you may request a conference and/or a fair hearing.

A conference is a meeting to review your eligibility determination. If you want a conference, please request one as soon as possible, because the outcome of the conference may impact your decision to request a fair hearing. At the conference, you may present information to demonstrate why you believe the agency action is not correct. To request a conference, please contact the CFWB Call Center at (212) 835-7610.

You also have a right to a fair hearing to appeal the determination made by ACS. If you want a fair hearing, you have 60 days from the notice date, located on the front page of your denial letter, to make the request. You can request a fair hearing without requesting a conference. If you have questions, please contact

You may request a fair hearing by calling 1-800-323-3334, by completing the online form at, or by mailing the request to New York State Office of Administrative Hearings/Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance, P.O Box 1930, Albany, New York 12201-1930.

How Can I Report Complaints, Abuse, or Fraud?

To make a complaint about a child care program or provider, call 311 or submit a complaint via 311 Online.

If you suspect child abuse or neglect at a child care provider:

  • Call the New York State Central Register at (800) 342-3720
  • If a child is in immediate danger, call 911
  • Mandated Reporters should call: (800) 635-1522

If you suspect fraud by a child care provider (or by a person posing as a provider) or by a parent, please notify ACS. You can do this two ways: