Services for Youth
- National Human Trafficking Resource Center’s Hotline, run by the Polaris Project provides assistance linking youth to variety of support and services. Call 1-888-373-7888 or text to 233733.
Health Care:
- Mt. Sinai Adolescent Health Center: Free medical, mental health and counseling Services for males and females. Call 212-423-3000 for an appointment
- PurPLe Clinic: Free safe primary health care clinic for male and female survivors of sex abuse and/or trafficking. Visit their website or e-mail
- GEMS: Individual and group work services for exploited and trafficked females. Visit
- Day One: Individual services for exploited and trafficked males & females, and intimate dating violence: Call 212-566-8120, extension 5692 or e-mail
- New Beginnings at Mt. Sinai-St. Luke’s: Preventive Services that serve youth and families with children (both male and female) who are sexually abused and/or trafficked. Call 212-523-2685. Download brochure
- The Door: Multi-service center for teens (males and female) ages 12 – 21. Call 212-941-9090 or visit
- Ali Forney Center: Housing and supportive services for male and female LGBTQ youth. Call 212-222-3427 or visit
- Hetrick Martin Institute: Services and referrals for male and female LGBTQ youth ages 13 – 24. Call 212-674-2400 or visit
- Safe Horizon’s Streetwork Project: Drop In Centers in all 5 boroughs: Visit Safe Horizon Streetwork’s website
- National Human Trafficking Resource Center’s Hotline, run by the Polaris Project can provide help with a variety of services including housing. Call 1-888-373-7888 or text to 233733.
- Ali Forney Center: Housing and supportive services for male and female LGBTQ youth: Call 212-222-3427 or visit
- JCCA’s Gateways Program: Residential Foster Care for young women. Active ACS cases must be referred through the ACS Office of Placement. Other referrals can be made by e-mailing: Learn more about Gateways
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