Below is a list of resources with contact information that may be useful to you.
Call (888) 982-4748 or visit Centers for Disease Control WTC Health Program
The program provides health care services and medication for 9/11-related health problems at no out-of-pocket cost to eligible responders and survivors.
Call (855) 885-1555 or visit VCF Website
The VCF was established to allow affected people to file claims for economic losses due to physical harm or death caused by the events of 9/11.
Call (888) NYC-WELL (888-692-9355)
A 24/7, confidential resource for crisis intervention and mental health referral available to callers from the U.S. and Canada.
Call (800) 342-9647(from U.S., Canada or a U.S. territory)
This 24/7 counseling service is available to active U.S. military service members. If calling from overseas, check online for international calling options.