Are you interested in getting involved in the good work we do at our hospital? Then please consider joining our Auxiliary. The Auxiliary is a group of very special volunteers which helps to support and enhance the care provided at our hospital. From planning special projects to organizing fun-filled group events, the Auxiliary raises funds for aspects of patient care which cannot be supported through regular hospital resources. Please consider joining our Auxiliary – it’s our team of helping hands. Those interested in joining the Auxiliary or making a monetary or in-kind donation should call the Auxiliary office at (718) 918-3827.
You can also make a secure online donation by clicking the button below.
Hospital volunteering is another way in which you can help us in our mission of providing superior care. We are proud of and very grateful for our wonderful volunteers, who represent every age, skill, and background. Volunteers support direct patient care activities such as serving as Patient Escorts and Companions, supply technical assistance in Pharmacy, Labs, or the Emergency Department, or assist with all sorts of administrative or clerical functions. Become a volunteer today! Call (718) 918-4881 for information.
Our Fundraising Efforts