Resources for Property Owners

Resources for Property Owners

The links and resources below are a compilation of recommendations for how homeowners and business owners can prepare their buildings for weather emergencies, natural disasters, and power outages. There are also resources for communicating information about these events to tenants.

Some of the files linked below are in PDF format and require the Adobe Reader to view.

Determine whether your property is located in a hurricane evacuation zone or flood zone.

New York City hurricane evacuation zones

Information about flood zones

  • Visit, the official site of the National Flood Insurance Program for information on flooding and flood risks.
  • Know your flood risk. To learn more about flood zones in New York City, visit
    • Flood zones are used to determine flood insurance requirements. Residents should not use flood zones to determine the need to evacuate. For more information about flood zones, visit
  • Consider getting flood insurance. Protection against loss due to floods is not covered under a homeowner's policy. Contact your property/casualty agent or broker about eligibility for flood insurance. For more information, visit the National Flood Insurance Program online at
  • If you live in a basement apartment, be prepared to move to a higher floor during periods of heavy rain. Be prepared to evacuate if needed.
  • Get information about New York City's flood hazard from NYC Recovery.

Protect your home or business against different hazards.

General hazards

  • Find out what hazards that can affect New York City by visiting the NYC Hazards page.
  • Learn more about the City's Hazard Mitigation Plan, which outlines goals, objectives, and specific actions New York City can take to reduce risks caused by hazards.
  • Learn about mitigation and building resiliency steps you can follow to protect your home from NYC Recovery.
  • Download a copy of Ready New York: Reduce Your Risk, a guide designed to help New Yorkers protect their property from hazards.
  • View FEMA's website for low-cost mitigation measures to protect yourself, your home, and your business from severe weather.
  • Get information from FEMA about how to protect your business or property from various hazards with the Protect Your Property or Business from Disaster tools, tips, and links.

Resources from the NYC Department of Buildings

Flooding resources

Earthquake resources

Winter weather resources

Follow health and safety precautions to during and after an emergency.

  • Get flood safety information on how to minimize damage to your home if you need to evacuate, and how to protect your health when you return.
  • Learn essential electric safety rules and information from Con Edison.
  • Learn what causes power outages, and how and when to contact Con Edison in the event of a power outage.

Information and communication for homeowners and building owners in New York City.

  • 311 - your source for New York City government services. Visit 311 online or call 311 (212-629-9675 for Video Relay Service, or TTY: 212-504-4115).
  • Required Tenant Communication - learn what information a residential building owner is required to post in the event of an emergency.
  • Notify NYC - Notify NYC is the City's official source for information about emergency events and important City services.
  • CorpNet - CorpNet provides business partners with current, accurate information about emergencies.
  • Ready New York: My Emergency Plan - fill out this comprehensive emergency plan workbook from Ready New York. It contains space for emergency contacts.
  • Emergency Reference Card - fill out and keep this small reference card with you to always have emergency contact information close at hand.

Residential Apartment Planning

  • Emergency evacuation devices (often referred to as stair chairs) allow provide people with mobility disabilities with a potential option to exit a building during a fire or other emergency using the stairs prior to the arrival of the New York City Fire Department's (FDNY) Fire and EMS Units. The devices may also be of assistance during power outages or when elevators are not functioning for extended periods of time. The decision to purchase and pre-position the devices in your building requires many considerations and careful planning. (NYC Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities - MOPD)
  • The NYC Apartment Building Emergency Preparedness Guide, developed by the NYC Fire Department (FDNY), helps to inform apartment building residents and staff about apartment building safety, and what each resident can do to prepare for emergencies, prevent fires and protect themselves and their families during a fire or non-fire emergency. (FDNY)
  • The NYC Apartment Building Individual Emergency Preparedness and Evacuation Planning Checklist is designed to assist building residents in creating their emergency evacuation plans, and provides recommendations on how building residents can prepare for emergencies that may affect their building.
  • Emergency Planning and Evacuations for Residential Building Owners/Managers lays out key elements building owners and managers are encouraged to consider in emergency preparedness with building residents, as well as building staff. (NYC Department of Housing Preservation and Development)
  • The ABC's of Housing - NYC Department of Housing Preservation and Development's guide to housing rules and regulations for owners and tenants. (NYC Department of Housing Preservation and Development)
  • Opportunity Knocks, Engaging Residential Building Owners and Residents in Emergency Planning and Outreach (2021) is a webinar that explored how emergency planning can benefit and be expanded through increased outreach to the residential building community. Access the PowerPoint
  • Tips

    For more information about evacuation or how to protect your property in the event of an emergency, visit 311 online or call 311 (212-629-9675 for Video Relay Service, or TTY: 212-504-4115).

    Last updated: October 27, 2021