Appendix Table 3-1: Immigrants Admitted by Class and Year of Admission New York City , 1990-1999 |
Appendix Table 3-2: Immigrants Admitted by Class and Year of Admission United States, 1990-1999 |
Appendix Table 3-3: Immigrants Admitted by Class of Admission and Country of Birth New York City, 1990-1999 |
Appendix Table 3-4: Immigrants Admitted by Class of Admission and Country of Birth United States, 1990-1999 |
Appendix Table 3-5: Immigrants Admitted by Class and Year of Admission New York City, 1982-1989 |
Appendix Table 3-6: Immigrants Admitted by Class and Year of Admission United States, 1982-1989 |
Appendix Table 3-7: Immigrants Admitted by Class of Admission and Country of Birth New York City, 1982-1989 |
Appendix Table 3-8: Immigrants Admitted by Class of Admission and Country of Birth United States, 1982-1989 |
Appendix Table 4-1a: Neighborhoods/ ZIP Codes of Settlement for the Top 20 Foreign-born Groups in New York City |
Appendix Table 4-1b: Neighborhoods/ZIP Codes of Settlement for Foreign-born Groups Ranked 21 through 40 in New York City |
Appendix Table 5-1: Population Density and Percent Foreign-born New York Metropolitan Region by Subregion and County, 2000 |
Appendix Table 5-2: Foreign-born by Area of Origin New York Metropolitan Region by Subregion and County, 2000 |
Appendix Table 5-3: Total and Foreign-born Population New York Metropolitan Region by Subregion and County, 1900-2000 |
Appendix Table 5-4: Ten Largest Sources of the Foreign-born by County New York Metropolitan Region, 2000 |
Appendix Table 5-5: Characteristics of Housing Units New York Metropolitan Region by Subregion and County, 2000 |
Appendix Table 5-6: Race/Hispanic Origin and Economic Characteristics New York Metropolitan Region by Subregion and County, 2000 |
Appendix Table 5-7: Population Density and Percent Foreign-born Selected Urban Places in the New York Metropolitan Region, 2000 |
Appendix Table 5-8: Characteristics of Housing Units Selected Urban Places in the New York Metropolitan Region, 2000 |
Appendix Table 5-9: Total and Foreign-born Population Selected Urban Places in the New York Metropolitan Region, 1970-2000 |
Appendix Table 5-10: Population by Race/Hispanic Origin Selected Urban Places in the New York Metropolitan Region, 1970-2000 |
Appendix Table 5-11: Ten Largest Source Countries of the Foreign-born Selected Urban Places in the New York Metropolitan Region, 2000 |
Appendix Table 5-12: Race/Hispanic Origin and Economic Characteristics Selected Urban Places in the New York Metropolitan Region, 2000 |
Appendix Table 6-1: Ability to Speak English for the Population Ages 5 and Over by Neighborhoods/ZIP Codes of Residence New York City, 2000 |