Inwood Rezoning Proposal – 17DME007M

The City of New York, acting through the New York City (NYC) Economic Development Corporation (EDC), in collaboration with the Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD), the Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS), the Department of Small Business Services (SBS), and the Department of Parks and Recreation (NYC Parks), is proposing a series of land use and other discretionary actions (collectively, the “Proposed Actions”) to implement recommendations of a comprehensive plan, the Inwood NYC 2017 Action Plan and subsequent updates, to redevelop and revitalize an approximately 62-block area of the Inwood neighborhood of Manhattan, Community District 12. The Proposed Actions are intended to facilitate a development pattern that meets the long-term community vision for the neighborhood by extending the mixed-use character of Inwood east to the Harlem River and preserving the strong existing fabric in areas west of 10th Avenue. The area affected by this proposal is generally bounded by the Harlem River to the east, the Sherman Creek Inlet, Riverside Drive, Thayer and Dyckman streets to the south, Indian Road, Payson Avenue, Broadway and Staff Street to the west, and Broadway Bridge to the north.

As discussed in project’s environmental review documentation, including Technical Memorandum 003, which analyzes changes to the project considered by the City Council, within this area, over a 15-year period, the Proposed Actions are expected to result in an incremental increase over the future condition without the Proposed Project (the “No Action condition”) of approximately 3,908 dwelling units (DUs) (3,409,953 sf of residential floor area), including either 1,370 or 1,606 affordable units (depending on which Mandatory Inclusionary Housing (MIH) option is selected), 1,155,171 sf of commercial space, 450,151 sf of community facility space, and a net reduction of up to 197 accessory parking spaces (depending on which MIH option is selected; the “Proposed Project”).

The FEIS incorporated the amended Uniform Land Use Review Procedure (ULURP) application (the “A-Application”) that addresses issues raised just before or shortly after the January 12, 2018 issuance of the DEIS. The A-Application consists of a series of modifications to the Proposed Actions, including zoning text amendments and zoning map amendments, that were crafted in response to feedback on the application, to allow for the development of projects that better meet the purpose and need for the Proposed Actions. Potential environmental impacts of the A-Application were evaluated in Technical Memorandum 001, completed between the DEIS and the FEIS. The evaluation of the Proposed Actions in this FEIS incorporated the modifications associated with the A-Application. Following the publication of the FEIS, Technical Memoranda 002 and 003 considered modifications to the proposed project by the City Planning Commission and City Council, respectively.

Approvals Required

The proposed Inwood Rezoning Project requires approval of several discretionary actions, as proposed to be modified by City Council:

  • Zoning Map Amendments. The proposed rezoning would replace all or portions of existing M1-1, M2-1, M3-1, C4-4, C8-3, C8-4, and R7-2 districts within the proposed 62-block rezoning area to M1-4, M1-5, M2-4, M1-4/R7A, M1-4/R9A, C4-4D, C4-5D, C6-2, C6-2A, R7A, R7D, R8A, R8, and R9A districts, with provisions of these underlying zoning districts adjusted through a proposed Special Inwood District (SID).The proposed rezoning would also replace or eliminate portions of existing C1-3 and C1-4 overlays to C2-4 overlays and establish new C2-4 overlays.

  • Zoning Text Amendments. The proposed text amendments to the NYC Zoning Resolution (ZR) would, respectively:

    • Establish the Special Inwood District (SID) within the rezoning area to adjust the provisions of the proposed zoning designations to allow for greater flexibility in the type and shape of future developments;
    • Establish a Mandatory Inclusionary Housing District to cover portions of the proposed rezoning area that would be rezoned to C4-4D, C4-5D, C6-2A, R7D, R8A, R8, R9A, M1-4/R7A, and M1-4/R9A districts, in order to require the development of permanently affordable housing (change to Appendix F of the NYC ZR);
    • Establish the Inwood Waterfront Access Plan (WAP), which would tailor waterfront zoning regulations to the particular needs of the study area and create a framework for the creation of public waterfront open space along the Harlem River.

  • City Map Changes. The proposed changes to the City Map are intended to reconnect the community to the Harlem River waterfront, improving neighborhood livability by increasing access to publicly accessible open space and the waterfront:

    • Demap a portion of Academy Street east of Tenth Avenue to facilitate the creation of future public open space along the Harlem River waterfront;
    • Demap West 208th Street at the North Cove in the Sherman Creek sub-district of the proposed rezoning area to facilitate the creation of future public open space along the Harlem River waterfront;
    • Demap (and dispose of) un-built and non-essential marginal streets mapped along and in the Harlem River in the Sherman Creek sub-district of the proposed rezoning area, with the goal of facilitating the future development of new public open spaces;
    • Demap (and provide an easement for) a volume of the street above West 203rd Street east of Ninth Avenue to facilitate the consolidation of Con Edison operations;
    • Demap a portion of West 201st Street east of Ninth Avenue to facilitate the consolidation of Con Edison utility operations.

  • Disposition of Real Property. The Proposed Actions would include the disposition authority for the following properties:

    • Block 2187, Lot 20, and Block 2185, Lot 36, along the Harlem River waterfront in the Sherman Creek sub-district to facilitate the creation of waterfront open space;
    • Block 2197, Lot 75, along the Harlem River in the Tip of Manhattan sub-district to facilitate the creation of property with both street and waterfront frontage and for subsequent development;
    • Block 2197, Lot 47, along the Harlem River in the Tip of Manhattan sub-district to facilitate the creation of property with both street and waterfront frontage and for subsequent development (following its acquisition by the City);
    • Block 2233, Lot 13 (Inwood branch of the New York Public Library at 4780 Broadway), and a portion of Lot 20 (J.H.S. 52 parking lot), along Broadway in the Commercial U sub-district, to facilitate the development of affordable housing, a new library, and Universal Pre-K classrooms;

  • Acquisition of Real Property. The Proposed Actions would include the acquisition of the following properties:

    • Block 2197, Lot 47, to facilitate the creation of property with both street and waterfront frontage;
    • Condominium units within a future development on Block 2233, Lots 13 and p/o Lot 20 for use as a library and Universal Pre-K classrooms;
    • Public access easements across Block 2183, Lot 1, and Block 2184, Lot 1, and the demapped portion of West 201st Street east of Ninth Avenue, to facilitate the creation of future public open space and to maintain utility access.

  • Urban Development Action Area and Urban Development Action Area Project Designation. The Proposed Actions would include the designation of City-owned Block 2233, Lot 13 (Inwood branch of the New York Public Library at 4780 Broadway), and a portion of City-owned Block 2233, Lot 20 (J.H.S. 52 parking lot), as an Urban Development Action Area (UDAA) and an Urban Development Action Area Project (UDAAP) to facilitate the development of affordable housing, a new library, and Universal Pre-K classrooms.

  • Tidal Wetlands Permit. A Tidal Wetlands Permit from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) would be required to subdivide City-owned waterfront lots along the Harlem River in order to facilitate the creation of waterfront open space.

Finally, in addition to financing by HPD, the selected developer of the library site would obtain funding from the New York City Housing Development Corporation (NYCHDC) to facilitate that potential development.

On August 11, 2017, the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Housing and Economic Development (ODMHED), as lead agency for the CEQR environmental review, issued an Environmental Assessment Statement (EAS) and a Positive Declaration for the project, indicating that there was the potential for adverse environmental impacts due to the project and directing that an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) be prepared. At the same time, a Draft Scope of Work for a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) was issued for public comment. A public scoping meeting was held on Thursday, September 14, 2017 at 6 PM at JHS 52, Inwood Junior High School, 650 Academy Street, New York, NY 10034. The deadline for public comments was extended twice; written comments were accepted until Friday, October 13, 2017 at 5 PM.

On January 12, 2018, the ODMHED issued the Final Scope of Work, DEIS, and the Notice of Completion for the DEIS, which marked the beginning of the public comment period on this document. On April 17, 2018, the ODMHED issued Technical Memorandum 001 describing changes proposed in an amended land use application. A public hearing on the DEIS and Technical Memorandum 001 was held on May 9, 2018, at 10 AM, at the City Planning Commission Hearing Room, 120 Broadway, New York, NY 10271, in conjunction with the City Planning Commission’s citywide public hearing pursuant to ULURP. Written comments on the DEIS and Technical Memorandum were accepted until May 21, 2018 at 5:00 PM. The Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) and the Notice of Completion for the FEIS were issued on June 14, 2018. Technical Memorandum 002, “Potential City Planning Commission Modifications”, was issued on June 22, 2018 and Technical Memorandum 003, “Potential City Council Modifications” was issued on August 3, 2018.

Environmental Review Material

The environmental review documents can be downloaded from CEQR Access.