End Domestic and Gender-Based Violence311Search all NYC.gov websites

Arts-Based Initiatives & Partnerships

Arts-Based Initiatives & Partnerships

At ENDGBV, we celebrate the powerful role the arts can play in addressing domestic and gender-based violence. We believe in the power of art therapy to heal, of arts-related prevention programming, and for the arts to be a catalyst for raising awareness and supporting communities in responding to violence. In our mission to support the advocacy community and collaborate with the arts community over the years, we have engaged in myriad partnerships with the arts community.

16 Days of Activism against GBV Art Exhibit

Since 2017, ENDGBV has hosted an annual art exhibit to commemorate the global campaign, “16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence” which seeks to raise awareness and inspire action at the community level.

In 2020, our third annual art exhibit, "Connect, Care, Create: Healing Collective Trauma through Art," was a digital exhibit in which we sought to expand and explore the process of healing from interpersonal and structural forms of violence, particularly as we experience the COVID-19 and racial injustice pandemics. Our platform sought to support diverse groups of artists who create works on gender-based violence and its impact on individuals, families, and communities, including this year's events which have additionally amplified its impacts on our communities.