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Training Resources

The Center's work is informed by the experience and training of staff and the plethora of conflict management resources that exist. Below are a list of resources we recommend. 


The Harvard Negotiation Project
The Center for Understanding in Conflict


Staying Calm Under Pressure: Presentation by OATH Center for Creative Conflict Resolution trainers Halley Anolik and Sethu Nair (2019)


Bargaining for Advantage: Negotiation Strategies for Reasonable People, G. Richard Shell (Penguin Books, 2006)
Challenging Conflict: Mediation through Understanding, Gary Friedman & Jack Himmelstein (American Bar Association, 2009)
Conflict Survival Kit: Tools for Resolving Conflict at Work, Daniel Griffith & Cliff B. Goodwin (Pearson, 2012)
Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In, Roger Fisher & William Ury (Penguin Books, 1991)
The Middle Voice: Mediating Conflict Successfully, Joseph B. Stulberg & Lela P. Love (California Academic Press, 2013)
The Power of a Positive No, William Ury (Bantam Books, 2007)
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen R. Covey, (Free Press, 2004)