Strategic Steps for Growth (SS4G) is an executive business education program designed for media, entertainment, and technology firms that want to grow their business.
SS4G provides firms with an opportunity to gain knowledge and experience through:
Throughout the course, each business owner will develop a customized 3-year Strategic Growth Action Plan™. This detailed plan, based on the business' current position and future goals, will be vetted by other participants and business experts.
All applicants must have an ownership stake in their business. Firms interested in SS4G must:
There is a $1,000 tuition fee for this program
Q. What industries are eligible to apply?
A.We welcome applications from media, digital and entertainment companies in the following industry sectors: broadcasting, motion picture, radio, TV, video and/or sound recording, production and/or post-production, set design and/or production, print or digital media, industry-related marketing, advertising, PR or graphic services, industry-related photography and/or videography and technology, such as mobile app and website development and gaming. Many different types of businesses participate in and benefit from the program, including family-owned businesses experiencing a leadership transition and any established business looking to take the next steps to grow and flourish in New York City.
Q. What does the program entail?
A. The program is taught by a NYU professor and member of the Stern School of Business' Entertainment, Media and Technology Program who possesses academic, entrepreneurial and media industry experience. Participating business owners learn from:
Q. When does the next class start?
A. The next class is scheduled to begin in October 2016 and end in Spring 2017. Classes are currently held Monday evenings from 6:00pm to 9:00pm, every other week, with the exception of scheduled holidays, at NYU's Greenwich Village campus. Please note that this schedule is subject to change. Recruitment for our next class will take place in Summer 2016.
Q. How do I apply?
A. Recruitment for our next class will take place in Summer 2016. You can apply for the program by following the steps below:
To learn more:
Read our full Program FAQ | Call 311 and ask for "Strategic Steps for Growth" | Email us
This program is presented in partnership with the NYC Department of Small Business Services, the Mayor's Office of Media and Entertainment, and the NYU Leonard N. Stern School of Business' Entertainment, Media and Technology Program.