Since 2020, Medicaid, Essential Plan, and Child Health Plus health insurance plans have been automatically renewed. Now, these automatic renewals have ended. Also, New York State is resuming eligibility reviews for these public health insurance plans.
Over the next year, New Yorkers with Medicaid, the Essential Plan, and Child Health Plus will most likely have to renew their health insurance plans or find a new plan if they no longer qualify. When your turn comes, you'll have to renew or re-enroll to stay insured.
Learn more by reviewing these frequently asked questions.
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How do I know if I have to renew or not?
Medicaid, Child Health Plus, and Essential Plan enrollees will receive notice of what, if anything, they need to do to renew their case.
When do I need to renew?
For enrollees in Medicaid, Child Health Plus, or Essential Plan through NY State of Health, renewal notices are issued 30 days or more before the individuals' renewal date. In addition to the renewal notice, individuals in NYSOH receive email and/or text notifications approximately 45 days in advance of their renewal date. Individuals may also receive a phone call, email, and/or text message reminder from their health plan and/or enrollment assister. NYSOH also sends a text message asking individuals if they would like us to call them back and provide assistance with their renewal. For enrollees in Medicaid through the Human Resources Administration, renewal notices are mailed 3 months before the individual’s renewal date.
If my income has not changed, do I still need to renew?
If the information needed to renew a case can be verified through electronic data sources, the enrollee will be automatically renewed.
Will I receive any letter or notification from the state or city about my renewal?
How far in advance? How many notifications will I get?
For enrollees in Medicaid, Child Health Plus, or Essential Plan through NY State of Health, renewal notices are issued 30 days or more before the individuals' renewal date. In addition to the renewal notice, individuals in NYSOH receive email and/or text notifications approximately 45 days in advance of their renewal date. Individuals may also receive a phone call, email and/or text message reminder from their health plan and/or enrollment assister. NYSOH also sends a text message asking individuals if they would like us to call them back and provide assistance with their renewal. For enrollees in Medicaid through the Human Resources Administration, renewal notices are mailed 3 months before the individual’s renewal date.
How can I renew my health insurance?
Renewals through NY State of Health can be completed in the enrollee’s online account. New Yorkers can renew their Medicaid coverage through HRA in one of the following ways:
When do I have to renew to avoid a gap in my coverage?
Renewals through NY State of Health must be completed within 30 days after the renewal due date. If the renewal is completed by the end of the month after the renewal due date, there will be no gap in coverage. Renewals through the Human Resources Administration must be completed within 30 days after the renewal due date. If the renewal is completed within 30 days of the renewal date, there will be no gap in coverage.
What resources can I share with my constituents about their insurance and redeterminations?
NY State of Health has an online toolkit found here - Unwinding from the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency: A Communications Tool Kit to Keep New Yorkers Covered | NY State of Health. The State Department of Health also has a Medicaid specific page available here - Important Changes to New York Medicaid, Child Health Plus, and the Essential Plan (
How to prepare/what do I need for a re-enrollment appointment?
The renewal notice will explain what is needed. For most people that will be updated household and income information. It is important to check with NY State of Health to make sure your correct contact information is up to date.
How do I sign up for insurance?
There are numerous ways to get connected to an enroller:
What if I choose to go without or am not eligible for health insurance coverage?
If you do not have health insurance, you are at much greater risk of accumulating medical bills that you may not be able to pay should you get a serious illness or injury. Protect your health and enroll today. New York City residents who are ineligible for or cannot afford insurance coverage can enroll in Emergency Medicaid (which covers emergency services only) and can sign up for NYC Care in tandem. NYC Care is a city program that connects people with quality affordable care, and which guarantees them access to a primary care physician at one of NYC Health + Hospitals facilities. NYC Care is not an insurance plan. You get a unique membership card to access health services, choose your own doctor and get affordable medications. New Yorkers can also seek care at community health centers, which provide care regardless of insurance or immigration status.
Does your immigration status affect your ability to get insurance?
Citizenship/immigration status is one of the eligibility criteria for public health insurance. Pregnant women are eligible for Medicaid regardless of immigration status if they meet the residency and income eligibility criteria. Children under 19 years old are eligible for Child Health Plus regardless of their or their parents’ immigration status if they meet the other eligibility criteria.