Official Seal of New York City
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    Mayor Eric Adams appointed 13 new members to the Mayor’s Committee on City Marshals. The committee establishes qualifying criteria for marshal candidates, identifies and recruits candidates, and recommends qualified individuals for appointment by the Mayor.

Official Seal of New York City
Become a City Marshal
    City marshals enforce the orders of the New York City Civil Court. Interested in becoming a New York City marshal?

Mayor's Committee on City Marshals

The Mayor's Committee on City Marshals is established by State law, Section 1601 of the New York City Civil Court Act. The Committee's four functions are to (1) establish and publish qualifying criteria for appointment to the office of City marshal, (2) recruit and receive names of candidates for that office, (3) determine which of the qualified candidates are best qualified to serve as City marshals, and (4) recommend to the Mayor up to three qualified persons for appointment to the office of City marshal upon the occurrence of a vacancy. Mayoral Executive Order No. 44, February 13, 1980. By law, the Committee's proceedings, records, and communications, including all applications submitted to it, are confidential and exempt from public disclosure.

Learn more about the Committee