

Calendar of Meetings – January 2025

This calendar is subject to change, please confirm at CB3 website
Community Board 3 meetings may be broadcasted or cable casted by the public

Health, Seniors, & Human Services / Youth, Education, & Human Rights Committee

Tuesday, January 7 at 6:30pm -- Community Board 3 Office - 59 East 4th Street (btwn 2nd Ave and Bowery)

  1. Approval of previous month's minutes
  2. Public Health Solutions and Educational Alliance Center for Recovery & Wellness: Informational presentation of Social Care Networks program initiative
  3. CAB/CEC reports
  4. Vote to adjourn

Parks, Recreation, Waterfront, & Resiliency Committee

Thursday, January 9 at 6:30pm -- BRC Senior Services Center - 30 Delancey Street (btwn Chrystie & Forsyth Sts)

  1. Approval of previous month's minutes
  2. Parks Manager Update
  3. Parks: Modifications in park design of sandbox area at Hester Street Playground
  4. DDC: ESCR/BMCR Updates
  5. Vote to adjourn

SLA & DCA Licensing Committee

Monday, January 13 at 6:30pm -- Community Board 3 Office - 59 East 4th Street (btwn 2nd Ave and Bowery)
Limited seating available to first 15. This is a Hybrid Meeting. Members of the public can also attend by Zoom.
By Phone:  +1 646 518 9805, +1 929 205 6099 - Webinar ID:  894 8215 2857

Applicants must submit withdrawals and residents must submit materials and agreements by email by Friday noon before meeting

  1. Approval of previous month's minutes


  1. Sugar Mouse (Sugar Mouse LLC), 47 3rd Ave (op/method of operation: extend Friday-Saturdays hours to 3am)
  2. Motel No Tell (Alphabet City Group LLC), 210 Ave A (op/method of operation: extend hours to 2am Sunday-Wednesday, extend hours to 3am Thursday-Saturday, add DJ)

New Liquor License Applications

  1. Rui Rui LLC, 15-17 Doyers St (op) (WITHDRAWN)
  2. Meama Cafe & Restaurant (Meama LLC), 78 2nd Ave (wb)
  3. Duff's Famous Wings (Pomegranate NYC Clinton LLC), 88 Clinton St (op) (WITHDRAWN)
  4. At Cave (At Cave LLC), 103 E 2nd St (op) (WITHDRAWN)
  5. BlueRoad (Double Lobster LLC), 134 Ludlow St (wb) (WITHDRAWN)
  6. Freedom for Ukraine LLC, 136 2nd Ave (op)
  7. Banshee (Entity to be Formed), 143 1st Avenue (North Store) (op)

Items not heard at Committee

  1. Las Lap (74 Orchard Street NYC LLC), 74 Orchard St (op)
  2. Noreetuh (Noreetuh Restaurant LLC), 128 1st Ave (op/corp change)
  3. Oscura NYC (Oscura 247 LLC), 247 Eldridge St (op/corp change)
  4. Kikoo Sushi 1st Corp, 141 1st Ave (wb) (WITHDRAWN)
  5. Babysips LLC, 176 Rivington St (wb)
  6. Horse with No Name LLC, 223 E 5th St (wb)

New Liquor License Applications

  1. Momofuku Noodle Bar (Momofuku 171 First Avenue LLC), 171 1st Ave (upgrade to op)

Dining Out NYC - Not heard at Committee

  1. Rosie's (Second Street Restaurant LLC), 29 E 2nd St (Sidewalk Cafe)
  2. Little Wayla/Wayla (100 Forsyth Restaurant LLC), 100 Forsyth St (Roadway Cafe)
  3. Bar Primi (Pasta Shop LLC), 325 Bowery St (Roadway Cafe)
  4. Frank (Kitchen Table Inc), 88 2nd Ave (Roadway Cafe) 
  5. Golden Diner (123 Madison LLC), 123 Madison St (Roadway Cafe) 
  6. Ama Raw Bar (Ama Food Group LLC), 190 Ave B (Roadway Cafe)
  7. Balade (Great Caterers LLC), 208 1st Ave (Roadway Cafe) 
  8. Elsewhere Espresso (Elsewhere Espresso LLC), 335 E 6th St (Roadway Cafe) 
  9. Nowon (Nowon Inc), 507 E 6th St (Roadway Cafe)
  10. Vote to adjourn

b=beer & cider | wb=wine, beer & cider | op=liquor, wine, beer & cider | alt=alterations

Land Use, Zoning, Public & Private Housing Committee

Tuesday, January 14 at 6:30pm -- Community Board 3 Office - 59 East 4th Street (btwn 2nd Ave and Bowery)

  1. Approval of previous month's minutes
  2. Metropolitan Realty Exemptions - Informational presentation of voluntary inclusionary housing project at 125 Chrystie St
  3. Vote to adjourn

Transportation, Public Safety, Sanitation & Environment Committee

Wednesday, January 15 at 6:30pm -- Community Board 3 Office - 59 East 4th Street (btwn 2nd Ave and Bowery)
This is a Hybrid Meeting. Members of the public can attend in person and also attend by Zoom.
By Phone:  +1 646 518 9805, +1 929 205 6099 - Webinar ID:  897 5664 5780

  1. Approval of previous month's minutes
  2. Request for loading zone expansion on Clinton St between Stanton and Rivington streets or alternate means to provide unloading for 18-wheelers serving Clinton St businesses
  3. DOT: Informational presentation about The Arches – public space at the base of Brooklyn Bridge
  4. Support for transportation infrastructure for food delivery workers and initiatives by Workers Justice Project
  5. Seward Park Cooperative - Request support for neighborhood loading zones at 208-212 E B'way, 264-268 E B'way, 383-387 Grand St, and 413-417 Grand St or alternate means
  6. Vote to adjourn

Executive Committee

Thursday, January 16, 2025 - 6:30pm
Community Board 3 Office - 59 East 4th Street

Community Board 3, Full Board Meeting

Tuesday, January 21, 2025 - 6:30pm
PS 20 - 166 Essex Street (E Houston & Stanton Sts)

January 15 is the last day for the public to submit February agenda items