Your rental assistance is conditioned upon meeting all program rules and regulations. The reasons for which your assistance could be terminated are outlined in detail in Chapter 15 of the Administrative Plan and Chapter 16 of the Briefing Book.
In determining whether to terminate your assistance, HPD has the discretion to consider the circumstances in your particular case. These circumstances include the seriousness of the case, the extent that individual family members participated in or were responsible for the actions leading to termination, and the effects that termination of assistance will have on other family members who were not involved in the action or failure to act. As a condition of continuing your assistance, HPD may prohibit family members who participated in or were responsible for the action or failure to act from living in your subsidized unit.
If HPD moves to terminate your subsidy, HPD will mail you a Pre-Termination Notice of Section 8 Non-Compliance that grants you 15 days to comply with any required documents or request a conference to discuss the reason(s) why the subsidy is pending termination. Please complete the conference request form and submit to HPD within the set deadline to attempt to resolve issues in a timely manner with HPD staff.
If your issues are not resolved at a pre-termination conference, you will receive a final Notice of Section 8 Rent Subsidy Termination. You may appeal the subsidy termination by requesting an Informal Hearing by returning Appeal of Section 8 Rent Subsidy Termination form to the HPD Appeals Unit within 30 calendar days of the date printed on the notice. An independent HPD appeals team will schedule your appeal and hear your case.