Become a Pre-Qualified Vendor

Become a Pre-Qualified Vendor

25,000 jobs per year. When emergency repairs are needed, we call on our pre-qualified list of contractors to get the job done.

When lead-based paint is found in a family's home, or heat and hot water service has been interrupted, our Emergency Operations and Enhanced Enforcement Division orders and monitors emergency repairs in response to these immediately hazardous conditions. We’re looking for contractors with experience in housing maintenance, repairs, and demolition to help keep New York City homes safe!

Contractors Wanted!

The New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) is looking for contractors for a variety of construction opportunities across the five boroughs, including:

  • Demolition
  • Heating
  • Plumbing
  • Lead
  • And more

Small contracts (less than $100,000) for housing maintenance, repairs, and demolition, are awarded to contractors from a Pre-Qualified List (PQL) of vendors.

Please note, Demolition work may have a value greater than $100,000.

How to Apply

HPD has recently launched a new and easy-to-use Pre-Qualified List Application. The new application combines our three program applications into one simplified application. 
HPD anticipates that this will improve the application processing time and overall user experience.  
Please see below link of the new consolidated application for the Emergency Repair Program (ERP) Program, Tenant Interim Lease (TIL) and Alternative Enforcement Program (AEP) Program, and Demolition Program. 

Contractor PQL Application


HPD will randomly select at least eight contractors from a PQL to solicit, and awards are made to the lower responsive and responsible bidders. Procurements issued and awards made to these PQLs, as well as certain Open Market Order solicitations, are subject to Bid Terms and General Conditions and Federal Riders.


For more information, call 212-863-7815 or email at