HPD-Owned Vacant Tax Lots

A key pillar of the Administration’s Housing Blueprint is the creation and preservation of affordable housing. In fiscal year 2024, maximizing every available resource and pursuing development of affordable housing on both public and privately-owned sites, HPD, NYCHA, and HDC financed nearly 26,000 (25,266) affordable homes and completed renovations for 3,700 (3,678) public housing units through PACT. While the supply of remaining lots in HPD’s jurisdiction is dwindling and many of those vacant lots and buildings face significant development challenges, we continue to press forward on every suitable HPD-owned site, as well as sites owned by other city agencies, to provide urgently needed new affordable apartments paired with upgraded public amenities. 
These efforts are evident in our progress over the past year to push more of our public sites into use for affordable housing. Since the first LL30 estimate in November 2017: 

  • The number of vacant lots in our jurisdiction has decreased overall from 1,009 lots to 742 lots, representing a 26% reduction. This decrease is largely due to the successful closing and conveyance of lots for affordable housing development, in addition to transfers to other City agencies of lots programmed for non-residential uses.  
  • There has been a 38% increase in lots programmed for future affordable housing development. This is driven by the successful resolution of issues on lots facing significant challenges that now have a path towards development for affordable housing, ongoing planning initiatives in the Rockaways, and the demolition of buildings to create now-vacant lots for affordable housing development as part of ongoing planning initiatives at Willets Point. 
  • When looked at together, overall, there has been a 10% increase in the number of lots subject to an active RFP/RFQ or designated for development.  
  • We have reduced the number of lots facing significant development challenges by 71% through the resolution of complicated site conditions, and the transfer of sites to other agencies, where appropriate.  
  • Pursuant to analysis of sites in the flood plain, we have reduced the number of lots categorized as resiliency challenges by 96% and incorporated many of those lots into the Resilient Edgemere initiative.  
  • Accordingly, our lots classified as programmed for non-residential uses have increased by 4%, and we are continuing to work with our partner agencies, primarily Parks and DOT, to effectuate those transfers.   
