Affordable Housing Opportunities

Affordable Housing Opportunities

HPD and its partners create affordable rent-stabilized apartments for households at a wide range of income levels and sizes. Learn about affordable housing.

NYC Housing Connect

Through NYC Housing Connect, you can learn how to apply for affordable housing in New York City, view current and upcoming housing opportunities, and complete an application for your household. The NYC Housing Connect page provides instructions and information on applying for affordable housing.


The Mitchell-Lama Program provides affordable rental and cooperative housing to moderate- and middle-income families.  Through NYC Mitchell-Lama Connect, you can view Mitchell-Lama developments that are accepting entries, create and update your account profile, and submit entries to waiting list lotteries.

NYC Housing Development Corporation (HDC)

HDC finances the creation and preservation of affordable housing for low-, moderate- and middle-income New Yorkers.  On the HDC website, click on the Apply for Housing tab for more details on rental and home-buying opportunities.