EEPC Newsletter
Let’s Take a Closer Look at the
NYC Equal Employment Practices
Commission (EEPC)
The EEPC is an independent, non-mayoral City agency charged with auditing the equal employment opportunity (EEO) programs of City agencies, entities, community boards, CUNY community colleges and offices of elected officials to ensure that their employment program is properly structured, efficiently administered, and in compliance with federal, state and city EEO requirements.
Did You Know…
2024 will mark the 3rd year of the 4-year audit cycle.
The following agencies are currently scheduled to be audited by the EEPC in 2024: NYCOA, QBP, OATA, NYLD, DOI, CCRB, FDNY, DOC, PANY, DFTA, IBO, CSC, OLR, CCHR, PPF, GCC, BCC, KCC, HCC, LAGCC, BERS, DOE, OATH, DEP, OTI, CEC, DCAS, BCDA, RCDA, OSNP, NYCPA, KCPA, NYCHA. Agencies to be audited are subject to change.
During the final year of the current audit cycle,
the following agencies’ EEO programs will be audited by the EEPC in 2025: NYPD, DVS, NYCC, Manhattan Community Boards 1-12, Queens Community Boards 1-14, KCDA, QCDA, BCPA, and RCPA. Agencies to be audited are subject to change.
New: All audit standards will be posted on the EEPC’s website in the near future.
Note: Audit Standards are subject to change based on changes in the law and/or industry best practices.
Top corrective actions for the 2023 audit are:
• Ensure that human resources professionals, managers, supervisors, and other personnel involved in recruiting and hiring are trained on the use of uniform, job-related techniques (such as training on structured interviewing) and trained to consider EEO laws/policies (such as training on unconscious bias, diversity and inclusion, etc.) to identify, interview, and select the most capable candidates.
• Designate and ensure that an EEO or human resources professional (may be referred to as the Career Counselor) is trained to be knowledgeable and familiar with career opportunities in City government and provide career counseling to employees upon request. Document this professional’s duties to advise employees of opportunities for promotion and career advancement. Remind employees of the identity/type of guidance available from the Career Counselor at least annually.
• Ensure that the principal EEO Professional, principal Human Resources professional (or designee), and Agency Head review the entity’s statistical information (e.g. workforce, hires, promotions, and separations by race/ethnicity and gender), as part of the entity’s employment practices and policies on an annual basis to identify whether there are barriers to equal employment opportunities and determine what, if any, actions are required to correct deficiencies (e.g. underutilization or adverse impact). Document the data reviewed, barriers identified (if any), and the entity’s strategy to address each barrier.
• Where the entity’s organizational structure necessitates multiple EEO professionals, select such individuals from different office locations and, where possible, from a variety of levels within the organizational structure. Appoint EEO professionals who are trained in EEO laws and procedures, and their responsibilities under the EEO Policy.
If you have any questions about the EEPC’s audit process, contact Menelik Allsop at
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