EEPC Conference: Commitment to Achieving Equality

EEPC Conference 2018

Commitment to Achieving Equality: Exploring Occupational Segregation

On September 28, 2018, the EEPC hosted a conference entitled Commitment to Achieving Equality: Exploring Occupational Segregation. Occupational segregation, the concentration of primarily race- or gender-based groups into particular occupations, can have a harmful effect not only on employees’ income and stability, but also on agencies’ outcomes, as individuals who could perform well in certain occupations are impeded from them. The EEPC invited 262 of the City’s Human Resources and EEO Professionals; representatives of DCAS Human Capital and Office of Citywide Equity and Inclusion (formerly the Office of Citywide Diversity and EEO (CDEEO)); members of the New York City Council Committees on Civil and Human Rights, Civil Service and Labor, and Women; and representatives of twenty (20) labor unions, to hear four (4) experts offer their insights into how occupational segregation is measured and its overall impact. These topics served to stimulate discussions about recruitment and promotion practices, succession planning, and risk management.

Click to view Agenda

Click a speaker to view their biography and presentation. All biographies are current as of September 28, 2018.

Dr. Tomaskovic-Devey studies the processes that generate workplace inequality. He is the founding Director of the University of Massachusetts Center for Employment Equity and the coordinator of the Comparative Organizational Inequality Network. He has projects on the impact of financialization upon U.S. income distribution, workplace desegregation and equal opportunity, network models of labor market structure, and relational inequality. Dr. Tomaskovic-Devey’s long-term agenda is to work with others to move the social science of inequality to a more fully relational and organizational stance. He is advancing this agenda through empirical studies of jobs and workplaces, as well as social relationships between jobs within workplaces and the social relationships that link organizations to each other. Dr. Tomaskovic-Devey is best known for his contributions to Relational Inequality Theory as well as organizational sampling and measurement methods.

Segregation and Employment Equity

Dr. Childers is a Senior Research Scientist at the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, an organization that conducts and communicates research to inspire dialog, shape policy, and improve the lives and opportunities of women of diverse backgrounds, circumstances, and experiences. An expert on social stratification and social and economic inequality by race and sex, Dr. Childers examines issues related to women and girls of color and job quality.

Occupational Segregation and the Gender Wage Gap in New York State

Dr. Weeden is the Chair of the Department of Sociology and Director of the Center for the Study of Inequality at Cornell University. She studies inequality in advanced industrial societies and how it is changing over time. Dr. Weeden’s current projects examine the sources of rising income inequality, the effect of occupational “closure” on wages, occupational plans and their impact on young men and women’s educational decisions, trends in the gender gap in earnings, and gender segregation in higher education.

Can Employment Practices Reduce Gender Segregation?

Dr. Boyle is the former Director of Research Initiatives and Public Hearings for the Equal Employment Practices Commission. He holds a Ph.D. in Cognitive/Social/Developmental Psychology from The New School for Social Research. As the Director of the EEPC Research Unit, he managed Citywide EEO data and data collection tools, conducted exploratory analyses, and communicated findings/recommendations to key stakeholders. Dr. Boyle’s recent research focuses on workforce equity, sexual harassment prevention, underutilization, wage gaps, and occupational segregation.

Exploring Occupational Segregation in the NYC Workforce