Interagency Coordinating Council on Youth

Interagency Coordinating Council on Youth Publications

cover page of Interagency Coordinating Council Annual Report 2024

ICC Annual Reports

The Interagency Coordinating Council (ICC) on Youth Annual Report highlights its activities over the past fiscal year. It focuses on the council's goal of developing collaborations between member agencies and community partners to better serve New York City youth, families and communities.

Download the 2023 ICC Annual Report
Download the 2022 ICC Annual Report
Download the 2021 ICC Annual Report

Download the 2020 ICC Annual Report
Download the 2019 ICC Annual Report


cover page of Interagency Coordinating Council on Youth Resource Directory

Transitioning Back into the Community - A Resource Directory

This resource directory provides information about resources available to young people in New York City who are leaving detention or have been involved with the criminal/juvenile justice system.

Community programs can offer support in areas such as housing, practical assistance, education, legal rights, and job preparation and searches, as well as drug and alcohol treatment. We hope this directory will help those in need to identify existing community resources that youth need in order to become successful.

The guide was put together by members of the Interagency Coordinating Council Court-Involved Youth Work Group.

View the 2021 ICC Resource Directory
Download the ICC COVID-19 Resource Guide
View the 2019 ICC Resource Directory (Download in PDF version)

A Parent's Guide - Understanding the Maze: If Your Child Has Contact with the Law

This guide is available in several languages and offers valuable information to help parents understand the juvenile and criminal justice systems, their child's legal rights, and their important role in the process.

Download A Parent's Guide - Understanding the Maze, Spanish / Español, Chinese / 正體字, Haitian Creole / Kreyòl Ayisyen, Russian / Русский язык

Youth Behavioral Challenges Sub-Committee Report

This report provides a five point cross-agency action plan to meet the needs of young people with behavioral challenges. These include 1) Improve needs assessment and planning; 2) Stronger collaboration among after school providers, schools, community-based mental health services and families to share information and identify existing resources to meet children's needs; 3) Develop guidance among after school providers; 4) Increased training and technical assistance; and 5) Specialized after school services for youth who cannot be effectively served in non-specialized programs.

Download the Youth Behavioral Challenges Sub-Committee Report