West Nile Virus Summary Data

The NYC Department of Health routinely analyzes surveillance and control data from previous years in order to better prepare for the upcoming mosquito season. The key to the Health Department's planning efforts is a primary emphasis on prevention. The Health Department devotes considerable resources to a citywide effort to prevent mosquito breeding, while enhancing existing disease surveillance, and public and medical provider education activities.

Although mosquitoes are most active in New York City from May through October, our strong mosquito prevention, surveillance and control efforts are year-round activities. The current Comprehensive Mosquito Surveillance and Control Plan is founded on the principles of Integrated Pest Management.

2024 Positive Results Summary

WNV Positive Results All NYC Bronx Brooklyn Manhattan Queens Staten Island

Mosquito Pools

1533 234 292 108 557 342
Human Cases #
West Nile Neuroinvasive Disease* 10 3 1 2 4
West Nile Fever** 4 0 1 0 2
Blood donor*** 4 0 2 1 1 0


* Cases of West Nile encephalitis, meningitis or acute flaccid paralysis (severe muscle weakness associated with West Nile virus infection).

** Cases with West Nile virus infection associated with mild to moderate illness but no evidence of central nervous system involvement.

*** Blood donors are people who had no symptoms at the time of donating blood (people with symptoms are deferred from donating) through a blood collection agency, but whose blood tested positive when screened for the presence of West Nile virus. Since they do not meet the national case definition for WNV infection, they are not included in the total human case count.

Not all animals testing positive are necessarily ill or symptomatic of WNV infection. Some specimens are tested only for surveillance purposes.

# Borough reported for human cases is determined by where the case patient resides and may not always reflect where the case patient was actually infected.

Mosquito Pools: Mosquitoes are collected from over 90 locations citywide and tested by the Health Department.

Human Cases: Healthcare providers in New York City are required to report all patients hospitalized with viral encephalitis and meningitis to the Health Department. Blood and spinal fluid specimens are tested for West Nile virus by the Health Department.

Risk from Standing Water

While the Health Department's surveillance efforts are able to confirm evidence of West Nile virus in mosquitoes in the above mentioned areas, given the widespread presence of the virus, it should be protected against in all areas of New York City where the virus is just as likely to be detected. Residents of New York City can help reduce the risk of West Nile virus by eliminating areas of standing water and by taking precautions against mosquitoes.

Data by Year