Photo of a nurse with a mother and baby. Text: Meet Leigh, a nurse in South Brooklyn. New Yorkers can access quality services at low to no cost to make pregnancy, birth and infancy easier.

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NYC Nurse-Family Partnership: Personal Nurses for First-Time Parents

If you are a new parent, you probably have a lot of questions. With NYC Nurse-Family Partnership, you can have your own personal nurse to support you so you can have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. Your nurse will answer your questions and provide valuable information and guidance.

Support for New Parents

You will meet with your nurse regularly to talk about pregnancy, parenting, your child’s health and development, and whatever else is on your mind.

Your nurse will support you to:

  • Know what to expect during pregnancy and childbirth.
  • Learn how to take care of your baby (feeding, bathing, safe sleep and more).
  • Understand how babies learn and grow.
  • Connect with other resources and services, like health insurance, mental health care, child care and educational programs.
  • Achieve personal goals, such as continuing your education and developing job skills.
  • Give your baby the best possible start to life.

If you are a health care provider, learn how you can refer patients to this evidence-based home visiting program.


NYC Nurse-Family Partnership is available to anyone in New York City who:

  • Is 28 weeks pregnant or less with their first baby
  • Is eligible for Medicaid or WIC

It is available to all eligible first-time parents, regardless of age, immigration status or gender identity.

Get Your Own Nurse

For more information or to sign up for a personal nurse:

Additional Resources

More Information