Mental Health
Crisis Services
Serious Mental Illness
Youth Services
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services in NYC
The city has many free and low-cost mental health services for children and adolescents. In addition to the listings below, you can call 311 for more information.
Information and Referrals : overview of mental health referrals available
988 : connection to free, confidential crisis counseling, mental health and substance use support, information and referrals
Children's Single Point of Access : a centralized referral system for children who need intensive mental health services
Outpatient Services : services provided to children in clinics, doctors' offices, schools or other settings, including clinic treatment and day treatment options
Community Supports and Services : directory of mental health services and supports, including
NYC Teenspace
Family and Youth Peer Support Programs
Early Childhood Mental Health
Case Management (intensive, supportive, blended)
Home and Community Based Services Waiver
Adolescent Skills Centers
Residential Treatment Facilities
Children's Community Residences
Emergency and Crisis Services : directory of services available to help your family during a mental health crisis, including
Hospital Psychiatric Emergency Rooms
Children's Mobile Crisis Teams
Home Based Crisis Intervention
Inpatient Services : mental health services provided in a hospital setting 24 hours a day for children who need hospitalization
Inpatient Psychiatric Units