COVID-19 data presented on this website were collected by the NYC Health Department. Recent data are preliminary and subject to change.
For more detailed information on the data, files and collection methods, visit the NYC COVID-19 Data GitHub Repository and the Vaccine Data GitHub Repository.
You can also find certain data that were initially released as PDFs in our COVID-19 File Archive.
Due to the small number of cases among transgender and gender-nonconforming people, data on those cases are not provided at this time.
Data on people identified as other categories, including Native American/Alaska Native or multi-racial, are not provided in some sections. The Hispanic/Latino category includes people of any race. Race and ethnicity information is most complete for people who are hospitalized or have died. There are much less demographic data currently available for non-hospitalized cases.
Hospitalization rate data by borough is impacted by missing data from a number of facilities. This may artificially lower the rate of hospitalization for some boroughs.
Neighborhood poverty is the percent of a ZIP code's population living below the Federal Poverty Level, per the 2014-2018 American Community Survey.
Differences in health outcomes and vaccination coverage among racial and ethnic groups are due to long-term structural racism, not biological or personal traits.
Structural racism — centuries of racist policies and discriminatory practices across institutions, including government agencies, and society — prevents communities of color from accessing vital resources (such as health care, housing and food) and opportunities (such as employment and education), and negatively affects overall health and well-being. The disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on New Yorkers of color highlights how these inequities negatively influence health outcomes.
Data on COVID-19 vaccinations come from the Citywide Immunization Registry (CIR). The Registry keeps immunization records for all city residents throughout their lives.
When a person gets vaccinated, they self-report their race/ethnicity, sex, location and other demographic data. This information may also be collected from electronic health records. However, some vaccination records do not include race/ethnicity data. The CDC requires this data be reported, but it has not always been a requirement and is inconsistently reported.
The number of people vaccinated in some demographic groups and ZIP codes may exceed the total estimated population of that group or area. This is more likely to occur with smaller groups. In such instances, we note the group as 99% vaccinated. Population counts are from 2019 and do not reflect the most recent 2020 Census. Learn more about how we use population estimates.
Several NYC laboratories — including the Public Health Lab — have been testing COVID-19 cases to identify emerging variants of the virus. Cases are tested for variants only if they meet certain criteria, such as having enough virus in the sample. These findings are considered reliable because the tested cases generally reflect all cases in the city.