Water Saving Tips

Residential Water Use

For more information about how to save water, visit Water Saving Tips.

Combined water and sewer rate
in New York City
$9.87 per 100 cubic feet of water*
National average indoor residential
water use per day per person
60–70 gallons
Location of 50–75% of
all residential water use
Water usage of a standard (pre-1980)
4.5–7.0 gallons per flush
Water use of a 1980s vintage
toilet (1980–1992)
3.5 gallons per flush
Water use of a low-consumption toilet 1.6 gallons per flush (or less)
Water use of a high efficiency
toilet (“HET”)
1.28 gallons per flush
Water savings of displacement bags 0.6 gallons per flush
Water saving of flush valve
retrofit kits
1.0–1.5 gallons per flush
Water use of the average faucet 0.5–5 gallons per minute
Flow reduction of faucet aerators 1 gallon per minute
Water use of standard showerheads 4–7 gallons per minute
Water use of low-flow showerheads 2 gallons per minute (or less)
Water use of a compact
washing machine
32 gallons per load
(13+ gals/cubic foot)
Water use of a standard
domestic washing machine
45–55 gallons per load
(13+ gals/cubic foot)
Water use of water-efficient
washing machines
20–25 gallons per load
(8.0–9.5 gals/cubic foot)
Water use of a dishwasher 5–15 gallons per load

*There are 748 gallons per 100 cubic feet (HCF) of water