UPDATE MAY 2022: DDC places a very high priority on making prompt payments to our business partners. Beginning in mid-May, DDC professionals are working with new internal systems to process change orders and payments. We certainly expect this system to allow for more efficient processing in the long term. We expect some delays as contracts, change orders, and payments are migrated to the new system. As our partner, we ask for your patience and support when possible. If you are looking for the status of a particular payment, you should either call the appropriate DDC Resident Engineer or Project Manager, or you can call DDC's automated Payment Hotline at 718-391-1704. If you need additional information, you can download and email this Payment Inquiry Form to us. If you are an M/WBE, please email it to If you are not an M/WBE, you can email it to Thank you for your partnership.
The payment process includes a thorough review of forms and documentation by agency staff. Information and forms provided here will assist in preparing payment requests and close attention to requirements and form preparation will help ensure prompt payment.
Requests for payment are submitted to the Engineer in Charge or Project Manager on the job. After the Engineer in Charge or Project Manager approves the payment, it is sent to the Engineering Audit Office (EAO) and the Financial Office for review and approval prior to being sent to the City's FISA (Financial Information Services Agency), which makes the payment. This process is represented graphically on the accompanying flowchart.
Consultant Payment Process
Structure and Technical Support
Non-Discrimination Certificate
Change Order and Overrun
Basic Forms
Design Consultants Guide
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